Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wondering About Four Fun Facts.

1.   Can you guess what the world's best-selling musical instrument is?  I will let you think about that and will post the answer near the end of this blog.

2.   By the time you reach 72, you'll have eaten about 35 tons of food.

OK, I will take this one personally, since I am 72 years old.  First, let me say I am not over-weight, but at 5'-11" tall and 177 pounds, I think I am about right.  BUT, I like to eat and I bet I have eaten way more than 35 tons.  A lot of those tons consisted of ice-cream (grin).

3.   1/4 of Americans have been on television.

Yep, I believe that one, too.  I have been on TV, not just seen, but heard when I was interviewed for the G.P.A.A while on a gold prospecting outing.

4.   A family of people with blue skin lived in Kentucky for many generations.

I sure didn't know that it got cold enough in Kentucky to turn anyone blue, let alone a whole family and for multiple generations.

That is all I am going to post today, don't want to bore you with useless facts just because I love useless facts.  Oh yes, before I forget, the harmonica is the world's best selling musical instrument.  I would have guessed the Jew's harp, but I guess I did have a harmonica but didn't have a Jew's harp that I can remember.

Before I leave you all, my wife suggests that you check out this site:  Our friend sells stuff on that site, too.  Here is a link to his site: Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I think we had a Jew's Harp when the kids were little... seems like it can "twang" your teeth and lips if you do it wrong. (I guessed guitar). Let's see... I'm 73, should I start all over counting how much my food weighs?

    1. I think we all had a Jew's harp back when we were kids. And yes, you sure did have to be careful not to "twang" you teeth. That hurt!!
      Nay, I don't count food's weight or calories, I just eat it.

  2. I'm with The Odd Essay in that I guessed guitar. And I had read of the blue family - seems like Bubba Hermit Jim had an article about them some time back.
    Thanks to the Dear Wife, Dizzy, for the introduction to your friend's site. Very interesting! We will have to keep him in mind when it's time to clear mom's house - what a "treasure" trove that will be! Hope he's somewhere fairly close to Houston.

    1. He lives south of Conroe to the west of I-45. And I much prefer to play on of my guitars than a Jew's Harp.

  3. I finally got one right! I guessed harmonica...but maybe that's cause I have had one as long as I can remember!

    Have a great day, my friend!

    1. I have my Grandpa's packed away someplace for safe keeping. Now, I probably can't find it if I wanted to.

  4. I too guessed a guitar!

    The other day while at HEB buying ice cream, you came to mind. I know you enjoyed your daily Blue Bell ice cream treat. Did you give it up or just switched brands?

    1. There is no Blue Bell to be found, so I became a traitor and switched brands. I buy a different brand each time. Hurry back Blue Bell, I miss you!!!
