Sunday, June 14, 2015

Diamonds Growing From the Trees.

I just went out and took some pictures of a pine tree next to my deck that looked like it had diamonds growing on it.  The way the sun was hitting the water droplets, it looked just like the tree was sprinkled with diamonds or glitter.  The close up at the top of this posting shows the sparkle quite well.

Below, are four more pictures of the same tree (remember, you can click on them to enlarge them):

As I have said before many times, there is so much beauty in Mother Nature and all you have to do is look for it.  Most of the time, you don't have to look very far or very hard.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Park under that tree and you will find that all that gliders is not gold .

    1. I have a lot of trees on my place and my jeep gets covered with leaves, needles, pollen, and bloom peddles, depending on the time of year.

  2. Better diamonds than ice crystals!

    1. Amen to that. We are so soaked here now that if heavy winds or a hurricane should come neer, they would fall down like "pick-up-sticks" Dang, now I am remembering back when I loved to play pick-up-sticks. . .

  3. A gem of a posting. Nice that you take those special moments to savour the wonders of the great outdoors.

    Y'all have fun, now. You hear?


    1. The post may not have been a gem but the subject matter was (grin)

  4. Love the look of diamonds on your tree. Mother Nature can really create some spectacular scenes. I love to just sit back and watch her beauty.Have a great day.

    1. Actually, the pictures didn't do it justice.

  5. Beautiful, Dizzy, and I'm honored to know someone who appreciates the wonders of God's handiwork as you do. It certainly makes life worth living if the approach is from that direction, isn't it?
    Diamonds from the trees - don't think I've ever heard it put more appropriately. Thank you ~

    1. It sure did make my day and just had to pass it on in hopes it would make my readers' day, also.

  6. Alll those of one tree, and no swamp? hahahaha, and hear LOTS more rain coming.

    1. I am sure the swamp is still there because we sure do have a bunch of mosquitoes.
