Sunday, May 17, 2015

Wondering About Animal Crackers.

When you were a kid, did you like to get a box of animal crackers, open it up, and look at all the animals that were in it?  When you ate one, did you bite its head off first?  Do you remember what all animals came in the box and which ones did you like the best?  Actually, there were a few different kinds of animal crackers, but when I think of them, the Nabisco Barnum's Animals crackers are the first to come to my mind: 

Here are three more boxes with different pictures on them:

And do you remember what some of the cookies or crackers or what ever you call them, look like?
Over the years the animals changed and I hear that they are now coating them with chocolate!!  According to, there have been 37 different animals featured in Barnum's Animals Crackers since 1903.  The animals in the latest list are bear, bison, camel, cougar, elephant, giraffe, gorilla, hippopotamus, hyena, kangaroo, lion, monkey, rhinoceros, seal, sheep, tiger and zebra.  In 2002, to celebrate its 100th anniversary, they added the koala.
The other companies, Austin Zoo Animal Crackers, Cadburys Animals, and Stauffer's animal crackers have their own mix of animals.  I can remember way, way back 60 some years ago when I used to play and eat animal crackers.  Yes, that was one time and one food that I was allowed to play with (grin).  Now, eat your animal crackers and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Yes, yes and yes. I don't recall a favorite brand but as I recall the wagon wheels were printed on the bottom of the box too. You could cut them out and actually have a circus wagon.

    I remember this maybe 55 years ago... :-)

    1. 55 years ago would make me 17 years old. It was a few years before that, that I was into animal crackers. You know, now I am getting a hunger for a box of them. And yes, I remember making little wagons out of them.

  2. I can't remember if I new there were so many different kinds of boxes. A few weeks ago I was in the infant section at Walmart buying stuff for great grands and there was a display of animal cracker. I grabbed a box for one of the the 3 yr old's he told me he didn't like them LOL but his dad told me he polished them off in the car.

    1. That is a cute story about him polishing them off in the car. I haven't had any in a long time, guess I am going to have to buy some and see if they are still as good as they were 60 or so years ago.

  3. I remember eating them but I have no idea what brand they were...and yes, I ate the head first :D

    1. Some kids put the whole cracker in their mouths, but I liked to prolong the pleasure and nibble at them, head first, too.

  4. Always loved the animal crackers too great memories.

  5. Yes, Barnum's Animals was the kind we always got. I'd bet they didn't have as much sugar in them as they do now. Yes, I always bit the head off first. I do remember the wheels that you could bend down to make the box stand on it's wheels, but I don't know if that was during my time or when I got them for my kids. I loved them. Great memory. :)
