Saturday, May 16, 2015

Some Optical Illusions.

I love optical illusions and I bet some of you do, too.  If not, those of you who hate them can quit reading now and find another blog to look at.

This first one is the one I like best.  What does it look like to you?  To me it looks like a boy, leaning against a tree, and looking out over a pond that has the reflection of some of the trees around the pond.  OK, is that what you see?

Well, I was wrong and I bet most of you were, too.  Would you like to see what it really shows?  Just pan down and you will see the original picture.
OK, here is the original:

OK, this next one is a little easier.  Which one of the these pictures show the Leaning Tower of Pisa leaning the most?

They are both the same.  Don't believe me?  Well take something to measure the distance from the top left edge of the picture to the tower in both pictures.  It will surprise you to see that they are both the same.  I would have sworn that the one on the right was leaning more. . . Oh well, so much for my perspective.

Then I found a picture of a floor that someone with a sense of humor painted.  I don't think that I could walk a straight line on that floor and may even get a little nauseated.  How about you?

This last one is a painting of a landscape with buildings in the distance, a tree in the foreground with a lady on the other side of the tree.  What, you don't see the lady but you do see a huge face?  Well I think that the face and the lady are both there, but that can't be, can it?

That is all for today.  I hope you like the illusions as much as I do.  Now, have a great day and make sure it is real and not an illusion, you hear?


  1. I think it was in Barcelona, Spain that the sidewalks were similar to that picture of the floor. I don't have good balance on a good day so felt totally out of kilter walking there. I get ocular migraines and stuff like that can bring one on..... interesting, huh?

    1. Sorry if my blog gives you a headache. Just don't look at the pictures (grin).

    2. I do love some of the optical illusions folks come up with! I'd like to see a bigger picture of that floor!

    3. Click on it and it will get a little bigger. You can grab it and put it into one of your programs on your computer that will allow you to enlarge it even farther. You can use PSTUDIO or Paintbrush or something similar.

  2. I like optical illusions, too. If I don't get one, I just make an excuse up. LOL I did see the first one, though. Maybe it was because you explained what you saw, and so I knew it was wrong, but the trees were growing to the right, so it had to be a tree laying down with the boy resting on it. That floor would drive me crazy! I've seen the leaning tower one before. And the old lady? She is much clearer to me than the face. That was fun! :)

    1. Same here. I immediately saw the old lady and had to look for a long time to see the face.

    2. Barbara D, I am glad you liked it and figured them out.

      Janet, yes, I agree that the old lady was easier to se than the face, but when I look at the women, the face seems to appear out of nowhere.

  3. Had to go back, but did find the face. Good ones, DD

  4. I saw the face first, Dizzy, then the lady. But those 80s pictures all made of dots with something embedded? I never could see any of them! I was told it was because I was wearing contacts - does that make sense? I guess as much sense as your illusions ;) Thanks for a grin this morning ~

    1. I always had problems with those dot pictures.
