Monday, May 18, 2015

Wondering about some Laws.

There are all kinds of laws, like in-laws and out-laws.  But what about the laws that you could be arrested for if you broke any of them?  Well, there are still a lot of stupid and strange laws on the books, and the state I live in, Texas, has a lot of them.  I am only going to list seven of my favorites, and of course I have to comment after each one.  Here are some Texas laws that may just be a little on the stupid side:

1.  A recently passed anticrime law requires criminals to give their victims 24 hours notice, either orally or in writing, and to explain the nature of the crime to be committed.
OK, do you think that will give authorities enough time to arrest them?  Of course, since no crime was committed, they will probably get off Scott free.

2.   In Texarkana, owners of horses may not ride them at night without tail lights.
That is nothing new.  Way back years ago when I lived in Pennsylvania, if you rode a horse at night by the side of the road, you had to have a tail light.  And no, it was not attached to the horses tail, but to rear of the saddle.

3.  It is legal to commit a homicide as long as you tell the person when, and how you are going to kill them.
See my reply to #1.

4.  It is legal for the blind to go hunting as long as they have someone with them who isn't blind.
I guess instead of a pointer they would use seeing eye dog??

5.  It is legal for one to shoot a buffalo from the second story of a hotel.
OK, but just don't shoot one from the ground floor or any stories above the second.

6.  You are not allowed to eat your neighbor's garbage without their permission or you could go to jail.
Hey, tell that to our neighbor raccoons and dogs and other critters that I have for neighbors.

7.  You can be hung on the spot if you are a cattle thief and get caught.
Well, just don't get caught!!

There are a lot more but I believe these seven are sufficient to give you an idea of some old and/or stupid laws here in Texas.  I can think of a lot of other things that I would like to see made illegal, but maybe that could be a blog topic for some other time.  For now, you all obey the laws and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I guess I'd better not drive through Texas! They probably have a law prohibiting me and giving felons the right to shoot me on sight!

    1. You would be OK if you stop at the border and get pass.

  2. There are 'good' laws, stop signs for example, they deal well with the traffic and do keep things moving.
    There are laws that are put in place to force others to live by 'someone's' personal rules, often religious.
    And there are laws put in place simply so someone can make as much money as possible, like the rule specifically forbidding Medicare (our government) from haggling over the cost of drugs sold by Big Pharmaceutical. Our govt pays, no questions asked, whatever the drug companies want to charge.

    1. I prefer the laws of nature and God. If we all lived by God's laws, (yes, I know, religious) we would all be better off.

  3. Dizzy we live in a republic ruled by the rule of law. When a law is passed we lose a freedom ,be it good or bad that's the law .

    1. Just think, people who write the laws are politicians and if they are dumb enough to want to be politicians, they shouldn't be writing laws that govern us all. Of course there are exceptions, like Ronald Reagan.

  4. I can see the tail light on the back of a saddle. That makes sense. I'd hate to be driving along and run up on a horse and rider. Of course, I guess with my headlights I should see them and have time to slow down and move over. But... that's like lights on a bicycle. Good idea to save lives.

    Giving notice before committing a crime? Well, every time I commit a robbery or homicide, it's "spur of the moment." I don't usually plan them 24-hours ahead of time. That would make them premeditated. Not good for us criminals. ; )

    The other ones seem like old-time laws.

    1. Yes, some are old-time laws but they have never been rescinded and are still on the books.

  5. Ive caught a bunch of those reading the paper.

    1. I just thought that they were funny, proving that at least some of the law-makers are idiots.
