Friday, May 1, 2015

Wife's Little Flower Garden

 My wife should have been named "Daisy", for a couple of reasons.  She is the flower of my life, for one.  The second reason is that she is so good at raising flowers.

She has indoor flowers, she has porch flowers, and she has outdoor in the ground flowers.  The ones that are not planted in the ground are in all sorts of different containers.  She even has porch railing flower boxes that straddle the top 2x6 porch railing cap.  There are flowers on the screened in part of the deck at the back porch.  They are everywhere.

She seems to have the Midas touch when it comes to growing flowers.  Here is a picture of some of the smaller flowers, the ones behind where she is standing:

Did you notice the overhead lighting in the above picture?  She suspended them all over her flower garden so they could get good light even on dark, cloudy days.  As you noticed, those flowers along with our vegetable garden, are in raised beds. . . OH yes, I just stuck those Sale price tags on the raised beds just to give you the impression that we were in Hobby Lobby (grin).  Sure hope all of you have beautiful flowers to see and smell.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I really envy anyone who can grow flowers, vegetables, herbs., etc. I have never had a green thumb.

    1. So far, her little garden (the real one), is doing great.

  2. Oh wow! Dusty looks like she's in a garden of orchids! I, too, love flowers but have never succeeded in having such a bountiful array of the beauties. I envy her...

    1. Yes, Hobby Lobby grows them big in their store (grin).
