Thursday, April 30, 2015

Wal-Mart Seemed Empty

Went to Wal-Mart this morning for supplies.  The first thing I noticed was that the parking lot was not as full as normal.  I mentioned to the wife that maybe we should always come for supplies on Thursday mornings.  We went in and started shopping.  The wife headed for the garden section and after looking at everything, she finally decided on a few containers of flowers.

After that, we wondered through the store.  My wife stopped at the yarn department and I went on to the electronics and camera departments and browsed there until she was through with her yarn shopping.  Then we headed for the grocery department.  It seemed that every third thing I wanted was missing.  There were empty spots on the shelves all around.  What the heck is going on?  Is this the start of all the huge shortages that were predicted on the internet?  I sure hope not, it is bad enough that they removed all the Blue Bell ice-cream, and yes, I did check today and there is not any there yet.  Dang, it has been almost two weeks since I had my fix of Blue Bell.  Not sure if I can handle another week or two, I might go into convulsions or hallucinations or something bad, but I hope you are able to purchase all the things you want.  Now, have a great day, you hear?


  1. End of the month and everyone's broke?

    1. But why was there empty places on the shelves?

  2. Sometimes I wish I couldn't purchase all the things I want - I'd save money! Bite the bullet and buy a small container of another brand of ice cream. I used to eat nothing but Hagen Dazs, but then I found some delicious ice cream from Humboldt Creamery. (Humboldt is the top marijuana growing county in CA, so maybe the soil is good for dairy cows, or maybe they are so contented from grazing that their milk makes wonderful tasting ice cream!

    1. Maybe those cows grazed on the marijuana (grin), that would make them content.

  3. I'm guessing that other places sell that same brand of ice cream. I'm conflicted about WalMart again with them closing the 5 stores that were most active in the minimum wage protests and the black Friday protests with no warning. I don't like when large employers act like bullys. So, I'm going to start looking around for other outlets. I'll probably end up back there from time to time, but there are KMarts and Costco and Big Lots all around me. I'm thinking I can find enough trouble to get into there.

    1. None of those stores close to me other than Sam's Club and it is part of the same company, right?

  4. It's tough you can't get your favourite brand of ice cream DD but remember that half of the world is starving...

    1. When our boys were young we use to tell them, "finish your meal, there are lots of starving kids in this world". Our boys would tell us, "Well, just sent it to them".

  5. No blue bell! thats just not right .

    1. Since the listeria was discovered in some of it, they shut down everything for a complete disinfectant treatment.

  6. Was it Blue Bell that was recalled recently? Bill's the ice cream person in our family... he likes Blue Bell and Blue Bunny... actually, I think he'll eat anything. He's cheap, so he usually buys those huge tubs of ice cream at Walmart... chocolate chip if he can get it.

    1. Yes, it was Blue Bell that was recalled. Bill and I would get along together just fine, except I prefer chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.

  7. Hermit's Baby SisMay 1, 2015 at 7:18 AM

    You're right, Dizzy, about the empty spots on the shelf. We started noticing it several months ago - and if the spots are filled in, it's just with store brands rather than the national you are used to buying. And what happened to all the cookies? I used to buy the HEB house brand (think cheap) vanilla sandwich cookies, but can't find them anymore. And what used to take up almost a whole aisle, especially in WalMart, of cookies, is now about 1/4 aisle. Fewer cookies in all the stores, I think.
    I'm partial to Dryer's ice cream - even better than Blue Bell to me. I know, as a Texan I'm speaking sacrilege, but there you are. And hubby likes Blue Bunny sugar-free 'cause there are lots of choices in the single serving sizes.
    Have a great weekend - hope you find a treasure at the Flea Market!

    1. Blue Bell Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough is my favorite but I don't turn down any ice-cream. And thanks, there are always treasures to find at the Flea Market.

  8. Gosh, didn't realize it's been this long since i read blogs. wow. Been busy with Doc appointments.

    1. So sorry that you and your son are having such a rough time. Hope things get better soon,

  9. I'm missing the Blue Bell as well. I do love their chocolate!

    1. It isn't because I live in Texas, I truly believe that Blue Bell makes the best ice-cream, period!!
