Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Update on Wife's Garden.

 I figured it was about time to give you an update on my wife's garden.  Remember my older post when I posted the raised beds' construction?  Yep, my son made these gardens for his Mom, he is a good boy.  He cut up an old electric pole, made the frames and filled them with good soil:

One more picture taken at the time of construction:

I put in stakes and wrapped it with some light weight fencing.  Hopefully, it will keep all the wild rabbits and other critters out of the garden.  Here is a picture that I took yesterday, garden sure did grow fast:

Here is a close up of the cucumber and tomato plants:

The crookneck squash already has some baby squash.  Oooo, I am getting hungry, sure do like squash.
The largest and strangest plant in our garden is in full bloom right now.  I would have to guess just what it is.  Maybe it is a whirly gig watch-you-call-it?  No?  Then you tell me what to call it:
I sure hope if you have a garden that it is doing well, too.  Now, eat your vegetables and have a healthy, happy day, you hear?


  1. Looking good, not that time of year here yet.

    1. We got to get it in early or the summer heat will get it.

  2. The squash does look really good. I love the small ones. I'm missing prime time at the California farmers' market!

    1. These shouldn't stay small for long, but can pick and eat them at any stage we prefer.

  3. Looks good! I have several packages of seeds... does that count? I'll wait until we get to Maine and buy a couple bags of topsoil... just take the plastic off the top and plant the seeds in rows right in the bags. Growing season is pretty short up there, but daylight hours are long. Enjoy those squash!

    1. What is the growing season in main, two weeks? grin Now that sounds like a good idea, slit open the bag of topsoil and plant the seeds right in there. Then when you move, you can take it with you. . .

  4. Wow, the plants grew fast! I like squash too now that I am an adult. Good luck with your garden, I have a brown thumb :(

    1. I like all kinds of squash but only planed yellow crookneck.

  5. I miss having a little garden - your wife's garden is looking good. All my favorites! :)

    1. Thanks, we haven't had one for quite a few years. I am getting older and don't care for garden work and my wife is getting younger and wants a garden. Since my boy made them up for her, I got out of all that work.

  6. You are the most amazing person where gardening is to your wife. I haven't seen produce so healthy anywhere else. And to have a son like that.....Hope you're feeling good, DD.

  7. You are the most amazing person where gardening is to your wife. I haven't seen produce so healthy anywhere else. And to have a son like that.....Hope you're feeling good, DD.

  8. My wife should get most of the credit for that garden. I am just an old, old man who prefers to sit in my rocker. . . and eat, of course.

  9. Pretty good stuff there, my friend! Maybe the wife will cook you up some soon!

    1. Shouldn't take long, I am sure and I will enjoy it.

  10. Yum Yum Squash! Make mine fried with cornmeal.

    1. We don't eat corn or anything with corn in it. Will flour work for you?

    2. Wow! My eX had a corn allergy and it was damn near impossible to buy any type food without some kind of corn product in it. I wouldn't gripe if it was just fried in corn oil. ;) Or some other type oil.

    3. Corn causes lots of allergy problems and more because it contains some pretty bad mico-toxins, even fresh picked out of the field.
