Saturday, May 2, 2015

Almost Lunch Time

I guess I have told you all before that I just love to eat.  Licorice and anise flavored stuff is the exception, I can't stand either and I don't care for coconut either.  Everything else, I like.  Of course there are some things I like better than others and today my wife is cooking me one of those things that is way up near the top of my like list.  Yes it is Louisiana style boudin sausage with a couple of fried eggs.  Yum, yum.

Went to the flea market this beautiful morning and got home before it got too hot.  I really don't go there to buy anything but mostly to just talk.  I love chatting with folks.

I just now heard a cowboy on TV say as he ordered a beer at a bar, "I can't stand to drink alone, so I drink with myself".  OK, but does that really make sense???  Going to cut this short, don't want to be late for my boudin and eggs.  So, you all have a great day, you hear?  


  1. We'd bought several packages of different kinds of boudin before we left Louisiana. Actually, so much that I don't have room in the freezer for anything else. Last night I fixed several links of chicken boudin... and took some up to the kids who are renting the old farm house. They'd never heard of it... it was still hot and they put it on hot dog buns and ate it like a sandwich. Our son-in-law (who is from the Galveston area) is here this weekend... he told us that he learned to eat it by squeezing it out of the casing onto his plate. My favorite way is to have boudin balls... but heck, I'll take it any way I can get it. I know we'll run out of it soon and it will be a while before it will be available again. Don't believe they even know what I'm talking about if I mention it in Maine ;-)

    1. No, I never heard of it up north but I guess it is one of those perks for living in the south, right?

  2. I love the Boudin too, and con only get it there down south, have run out already!

    1. I wonder how it would fit in back in my the Pennsylvania where I grew up? It would have to compete with bratwurst and chipped ham.

  3. Here in NW Florida they have it at Walmart. I've had good boudin before and that ain't it. When I make my jambalaya I use bratwurst. I like the flavor spicerer.


    1. There is something about the boudin I eat that makes me want more and more andmore

  4. lol That cowboy will use anything to drink,,,
