Wednesday, April 8, 2015

I got some questions.

I have a hard time taking things at face value.  I usually have to dig a little deeper.  That goes for old sayings, too, like "Crazy as a Loon".  I have heard loons and I have seen loons but I have never seen a loon acting loony.  So, where did the term loony come from?  Well, did you know that the loon has nothing to do with it even though the loon has a laugh like call?  The word actually came from the moon. . . well in a way.  Loony comes from lunatic which comes from the word luna, the moon.  Why, because the old belief was that insanity was affected by the moon's phases.  Dang, maybe I better quit howling at the full moon, what do you think?

By the way, the real reason a loon is called a loon is that people were confusing it with another diving bird called a loom.  The two had a lot in common and the name stuck.  Just thought that maybe you wanted to know.

OK, took the pups to the groomer's this morning and had to come home to such a quiet home with no wagging tails to great us.  Oh, I don't know what I would do without them.  They are our "kids".  I do know that they will be real glad to get back home and eat their dinners and then take a long nap.  It seems that the grooming process tires them out.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I think I'm a bit loony after all the driving I've been doing!

    1. I think we all get loony at one time or another.

  2. You got me thinking about Maine and now I'm excited to hear the loons again... really eerie.... could even be thought of as loony.

    1. I love to hear loons in the evening. When I lived in PA and would visit my grandparents who live on the Allegheny River, I would hear them sometimes.
