Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Chances of Getting Hit by a Meteor.

What are your chances of getting hit by a meteor.  Well, none unless you are in a spacecraft.  It is all in the semantics.  A rock out in space somewhere is a meteoroid, but if it enters earth's atmosphere and becomes a streak of light, it is a meteor.  Now, if it actually hits the earth, it is a meteorite.  Got that?

But there is always a chance, however slight it is, of getting hit with a meteorite.  It happened to this lady:
From the appearance of the wound, I would surmise that she was laying down when hit.  She was both unlucky and lucky.  Unlucky because she got hit in the first place but lucky that it just grazed her.  If it had been just a few inches closer to the center of her body, it would have been a whole lot worse.  Now, I hope all of you are very lucky and will not be hit by any space rocks but have a great day, you hear?


  1. I can't even imagine being hit by something from "space".... But I remember being on a commercial flight traveling over Arizona and seeing that huge round hole (Meteor Crater) and just being stunned.... went to it later and stood outside the rim looking over.... absolutely fascinating!

    1. When I was on flight to New England years ago, I saw a lot of meteors and most streaked below the altitude we were flying. That worried me a bit.

  2. I sure wouldn't want to get hit by anything like a meteorite! Sometimes I walk through a doorway and the door frame jumps out to hit me and make a bruise on my arm! That's bad enough.

    1. Yep, I know what you mean. I get banged up enough from normal things, don't want anything from outer space banging into me.
