Monday, April 6, 2015

A Few of my Sayings

Dizzy’s Sayings

“You can’t kill a bird by throwing it off a cliff.”

Exceptions:  Unless it is an ostrich or an emu.

“You can’t drown a fish by tossing it into the water.”

Exceptions:  Unless you pull it through the water real fast.

“You can’t push a wagon with a rope.”

Exceptions:  Using a wet rope that was frozen.

“If you do that it will be over my dead body.”

Gee, I must have died a lot of times.

“I don’t need to call anyone, I’ll fix it myself.”

After messing it up and hurting myself “what’s that number?”
And of course I have to add what my Dad always told me and the
 saying I use all the time since he passed away:  "There is nothing
 so bad it can't get worse!"
Have a great day, you hear?


  1. All new to me, except one, over my dead body.

    1. First time in print that I know of. These are all my own sayings except for my Dad's.

  2. I think I've heard that it can get worse... but the others.... nope. It's interesting the expressions we use that are so unique. Now I'm trying to think if I have any that I say....

    1. Different people have different sayings and different areas of the country have different ways of saying things. I remember each time I moved to a different state for a job, I had to learn their short cut sayings.

  3. Very nice, good sir. I suppose in New Zealand, that might throw a Kiwi over a cliff. The bird, not the fruit.

    When one door closes, another shuts in your face...

    Be well,


  4. Very nice, good sir. I suppose in New Zealand, that might throw a Kiwi over a cliff. The bird, not the fruit.

    When one door closes, another shuts in your face...

    Be well,


  5. Thanks Gary, Yep, the poor Kiwi can't fly, so it would just dive off the cliff. Does a Kiwi bounce?
