Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter!!

Have a happy and blessed Easter and don't forget it isn't all about colored eggs, candy, and the Easter Bunny.


  1. How right you are, buddy. How right you are!

  2. Do ya ever recall the time when the entire family gathered round the kitchen table mix'n dye an' dip'n fresh boiled eggs in it? It ain't like that no more...everbody goes to Walmart an' buys pretty little "plastic" eggs. There is no longer family time round the kitchen table as in years past. That was Easter for the kids....colored eggs an' Easter bunnys.

    1. My wife boiled two big pots of eggs and after they cooled, I sat there coloring them. I did plain colored but most were swirl colored eggs. I like to do those the best. We just had our son and daughter-in-law up for dinner and they took home most of the eggs.

  3. No kids around to color eggs.... I asked Bill last night if he got an Easter basket when he was a kid... with a marshmallow bunny coated in chocolate... yep.... Then I had to ask him if he bit off the ears first.... yeah... he did. Lots of Easter memories for me. But I was a bit disappointed.... at church services this morning my favorite Easter hymn wasn't sung... to me "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" is a MUST on Easter Sunday.

    1. That doesn't stop us. My wife and I enjoy doing Easter eggs. No chocolate rabbits this year, but when I was a kid I remember biting off the ears first.

  4. We would have a big competition, who could color the most unique one. One year we used markers, drew pics, and i think i did one of a skunk. PePeLaPhew...
