Thursday, April 9, 2015

Everythings back to Normal

Got the pups back about noon yesterday and they sure looked and smelled pretty.  Getting them back put everything back to normal.  For some reason, it just didn't feel right after we dropped them off at the groomers, coming home to such a quite home.  I guess our pups are a big part of our lives.

I just didn't feel like doing much today.  Worked a little bit on my income taxes.  I don't believe I will owe them anything.  It is a lot more fun doing the taxes when you don't think you will owe anything.

Just don't have much of anything to say today, except, have a great day, you hear?


  1. Glad your babies are back home. Of course they are your family.... While we don't have any critters now, I sure know that feeling. As for taxes.... we still have our CPA in Ohio sort ours out.... even got a refund this year... and won't be paying estimated taxes for this year... can it get any better than that?

  2. We do get used to our little trouble makers being around, don't we? Glad it's all back to normal, or as normal as it gets.

    1. It seems that there is at least one ball of fur within either mine or my wife's reach at all times.

  3. The last time I did my taxes I made mistakes, I have farm. So I use an accountant that knows farmy stuff. I was surprised I will be getting some of my money back. Then I asked my accountant if another IRA would help shelter and get back all of my money: I did it last year to reduce my taxes. So she ran the numbers and said I would get back an additional $650 for just a $2000 IRA. I said lets do it!

    That's like getting 25% interest on my savings. Granted it's only one year, as 2015 will totally SS. I actually worked 4 months in 2014. So that tax I'm getting back because my only income was the measly SS.

    As the IRA was just savings moved into the shelter it really didn't cost me anything. It won't work next year but I can draw out the IRA and put it in gold or silver. And as you have to draw out some savings/retirement at 70 and a half anyway, I can start drawing that and pay lower taxes if any and put into the aforementioned gold/silver. Or at least that's the plan.

    So Dizzy look at all the options.

    Wade in NW Florida

  4. Had to laugh about you doing last minute taxes.... lol. My first job was with a CPA.
