Friday, April 10, 2015

Wondering About Albert Einstein.

Everyone has heard of Albert Einstein and I am going to give you a little history in pictures of him.  He was born on March 14, 1879 and passed away at the age of 76 on April 18, 1955.  He was married twice and had two sons and a daughter.  I would guess that he is best remembered by his theory of general relativity.  In this first picture he is a young man:

This next one is of him a little older.  He seems happy and content in this picture:

He is older in this picture and looks burdened and slightly sad, don't you think?

Ah, but he could laugh!  He was quick to see the humor in things.

Now here he seems to be deep in thought with brushed back hair:

But this must have been one of his wild hair days, he does seem quite happy:
After his death, according to, "Einstein's autopsy was conducted in a lab at Princeton Hospital by pathologist Thomas Stoltz Harvey shortly after his death in 1955. Harvey removed and weighed the brain and then brought it to a lab at the University of Pennsylvania where he dissected Einstein's brain into several pieces; some of the pieces he kept to himself while others were given to leading pathologists."
Below is a picture of Einstein's brain showing the top of it:

I made the above picture a little bigger so you can see what it says in the lower right corner.  Dang, I didn't know it got cut up into 240 chunks for further investigations.  I would think that once it was cut up, it would be almost worthless for finding any new information, since the connections in the brain are really important and are what ties the brain together in thought.  Of course I could be wrong, but even if I am, I want you to have a great day, you hear?


  1. So I wonder why they did cut the brain into so many small pieces. I would guess Einstein left his brain to scientific study, so he must have been okay with it. I'm leaving my body to Science Care, so I can't decide what they do with it!

    1. I am planning on using my body all up so there will not be anything left for them to study.

    2. By the way, those are some great photos of Einstein. I think I favor the 2nd one, but as an old man he still had life in the old eyes!

    3. Yes, there was life in those eyes, for sure.

  2. Einstein being a possible distant relative of the old Billy Bob (German), that's where I get my "fix it" skills from. We think alike on so many levels.

    1. I wondered where your many skills came from. Now I know.

  3. I think it interesting that Einstein and Henry Ford were great friends... even took camping trips together... wonder what they talked about?

    1. I don't know, but I bet it wasn't about cars and relativity. You go camping for a change of pace.

  4. Interesting posting, wonder what they found in those 240 pieces?

    1. Maybe microscopic compute chips from another galaxy. (grin). I would bet that they never found anything too out of the ordinary.
