Sunday, March 1, 2015

Wondering About Online Games.

Do any of you play online games?  I don't like most of them.  Maybe that is because I am simple minded.  But I have found one that I do like and I play it a lot, always trying to better my score.  Yes, I do keep track of my scores, that is the only way I know if I am beating my old score.  This game I found is called "Mahjongg Dimensions" and I play it on this web site:

I have been known to also play "Bryx".  Now you know the games I like and how I waste my time. Yes, it is a waste of time but I do enjoy playing them.

Don't have much to say, other than we are still having crappy weather here, cool and raining.  It is not raining hard but it doesn't take long to get soaked and cold when you are out in it.  Think I will stay in an play on line games and watch TV and just waste my time. . . or I might do something more constructive. . . or not.  Now, you all just do what ever you want or don't do anything, either way, have a great day, you hear?


  1. How many levels can you get on that Mahjongg game? I had to try it, but I ran out of time on the 3rd level.... looks like fun, but I'm too impatient to go through all the ads etc to get there. It's a crappy day here (again) so I'll do about anything to keep occupied. Oh yes... I'd forgotten about the Cedar Waxwings... of course! Dipped in yellow paint... I should have remembered. I like the red "waxy" spots on them too.

    1. I have almost completed the third layer and my highest score is 33900. That is the number I am now trying beat. Gee, I wonder what the fourth layer looks like. . .

  2. Nope. I know I'd be sucked in and loose all my time.

  3. I use to play mahjongg until my eyes crossed. Finally broke the habit by getting addicted to something else.

    1. Please don't tell me what the "something else" is because I don't want addicted to too many things at one time. . .

  4. I'm still playing the solitaire spider card game with 4 decks. Best score is above 9600. There's a lot of people in front of me on Game Central l'm playing on my iPad.
