Monday, March 2, 2015

Punk From Trail's End.

No, I am not talking about punk rock and probably never will, so let's not get off on the wrong foot.  It all started when I picked something up off a shelf this morning that caused a lot of great memories to come flooding in.  It was a piece of fungus, the type that I have always called Punk.  When I was a kid growing up in western Pennsylvania, we would quite often spend time at our "camp" in the woods near Tionesta.  Back toward the end of 2010, I posted old pictures and told about the camp.  Here is a link to that blog:

While hiking in the woods, we would retrieve the fungus that grows on dead and dying trees, the fungus we used to call "punk".  What I picked up off that shelf was a small piece of punk that had the names of all who were at camp that day.  That was our custom and it also was a record of who was at camp and on what day.  Well that piece I picked up off the shelf today, was a record of who was there on October 3rd 1952 and yes, my name is on it.  Back then, I was called Dicky.  Here is a picture showing the names on the top:

And this one showing the names of my Grandpa and Grandma on the side: 
The white part is the underneath part while it is growing.  This last picture shows what it looks like from the top side.  The side to the right was where it was attached to the host tree: 

I surely did love that place and the wonderful people (relatives) who made it such a special enjoyable place.  I hope you take the time to click on the link to my previous blog about the camp and I sure do want you all to have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. Yes it is, and I will always keep it and pass it on to my son.

  2. Replies
    1. Sure did bring back a lot of great memories, for sure.

  3. How neat that you kept this all these years. I know that as "artist fungi"... (obvious reason)... and have seen some intricate artwork on them... kind of like scrimshaw. I think it's also called "shelf fungi", but I doubt if either are the real name. Whatever it's called, yours is a real keepsake.

    1. I grew up, went to college, got a job, got married, had kids, lost my parents, moved from state to state to state, and now that I am 72 years old, I find this again from way, way back in 1952. Wow!!

  4. Replies
    1. Just a part of my very wonderful childhood, a vey happy part.

  5. What a great piece of your memory and childhood! As kids we would collect them in the woods, and my mom would paint on them beautiful scenes and set them up for sale at craft shows and in bars in our small town. She even did a huge one of a locomotive coming through a mountain tunnel that got raffled off for some fund raiser. The one I remember best is she did The Last Supper on one for my Grandma. She even did a tiny one for Steve and I with two doves for our wedding!

    KarenInTheWoods and Steveio
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. Wow, those would be worth seeing and they last almost forever.
