Saturday, February 28, 2015

Wondering About My Dogs and a Sign.

I think I will start with the sign.  I really hate to admit this, but a lot of the time that sign is correct.  Did I just say "I really hate to admit this"?  Heck, I will never admit that it is right (grin).

Yes, I spotted that sign at the flea market this morning.  After we got home, I was sitting in my rocker/recliner and noticed that the youngest pup (the black and white one) ran into her house and hid something behind her pillow, which she pushed up and tried to hide behind it, too.  The old female, followed by the male, was hot on her trail.  What ever it was, she didn't give it up and the other two backed off and went about their own business of taking naps.

It was rather cool here this morning, in fact it was down right cold at 37 degrees and the wind blowing.  I know, I know, all you who choose to live up north say that if you had 37 degrees in your area it would feel like summer.  My best friend who lives in Pennsylvania says it got way down below zero up his way.  This was a fairly cool winter so far but not very many days when it got much cooler than it was this morning.  It is still chilly outside now at 51 degrees.  Well, where ever you are living and what ever the temperature, just have a great day, you hear?


  1. Do NOT let my wife see that sign.

    I'd never live it down. :)

  2. I'd have had to see what that pup hid.... must have been something good. As for the sign... well... of course.

    1. She has hidden a lot of our stuff, she is a pack rat for sure. But this time she didn't seem to have anything, if so, maybe she ate it. Dogs do that some times. . .

  3. I too would have been curious and would have had to check out her find. That sign is right on the money but rarely will you get a man to own up to it :)

  4. I didn't see anything. Every time my wife is preparing a meal, the pups circle her like sharks just waiting for her to drop something. Guess what, they love lettuce, and are always begging for it. This morning, my oldest pup is snuggled right next to me in the recliner/rocker.

  5. I NEED THAT SIGN!!!! I showed it to Steveio, and he just snorted and shook his head (kinda like a mule??? a stubborn mule???)

    KarenInTheWoods and Steveio
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. That vendor wasn't there today or I would have gotten that sign for you. I bet you would have lots of fun with it, but then, since I am also a husband, I don't think Steveio would appreciate it, I wouldn't.

  6. What??? You didn't buy that sign? Geez DD, what's wrong with you? lmao
