Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Just three clippings.

 I am getting disgusted.  I found a bunch of things while searching the internet today that I wanted to post but after downloading them earlier, I can't find them on my computer.  Oh well, I found three of them, so they will have to do.  They are just clippings of funny things but I believe that they are also true.  What do you think?

And the next amazing fact was a surprise to me, I didn't know that, of course I have never used a roulette wheel.  It is a little spooky, don't you think?
Speaking about spooky, this following is really creepy, just like its title:
Now tell me, wasn't that a little strange, to say the least?  Now, I hope your day isn't at all creepy or spooky or scary or. . . you know, but rather I want you to have a great day, what's left of it, you hear?



  1. The similarities between Lincoln and Kennedy are certainly spooky. although it's a stretch to compare Maryland and Marilyn!

    1. Comparing a state to a person is a stretch but in this case the two names sound the almost the same when pronounced.


  2. I had read that about the 2 presidents before, UNREAL.

    1. I did, too, but it is always intriguing. The one I liked the best was the "50% Discount".

  3. LOL on the Maryland = Marilyn.... tee heee

    But that is very interesting.

    KarenInTheWoods and Steveio
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. I suppose if you took the time and had a good imagination, you could connect any two things in this universe to each other in some way.
