Thursday, March 26, 2015

I Suffer From Lethologica

Yes, I suffer from "lethologica" and I have for many years.  It is especially troublesome when I am trying to write my blog.  It is not an uncommon ailment, and I am willing to bet that all of you have had a bout with lethological at one time or another.  I seem to have it most of the time, it is a good thing I am quick at coming up  with alternative words.  Lethologica describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want at the time.  So, now, how many of you have had it?  I was just thinking that we should . . . ahhh. . .ahhh. . . oh forget it, I have.

On the other hand, I have to get over my bout with lethologica and go ahead and write and publish my blog to prevent all you readers from coming down with "abibliophobia"!!  Oh, you don't know what that is?  Neither did I so I had to look it up.  It is the fear of running out of reading material.  Now that I have got that out of the way, I have forgotten what I wanted to write about today.  Way too many interruptions, do you know I started this blog this morning, and here it is, already 15:22.  Now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Thanks Dizzy!

    I do suffer from abibliophobia. Thank goodness for my Kindle.

    1. Yes I know that you love to read books. Not a bad thing to have, is it?

  2. I've had it and I also have trouble at times typing a word and swear it is missed spelled when in fact it is spelled right.

    1. Sometimes my mind doesn't keep up with my fingers when I am typing.

  3. Replies
    1. Now Barney, that is a Spanish word and I don't speak any other language but Texan and Pennsylvanian with a little bit of Michiganer and N. Carolinian thrown in for added spice.

  4. I forget words all the time. But since I can still do the NY Times Sunday Crossword puzzle I'm not giving up on myself.

    1. I am better at numbers than I am words so I do Sudoku.

  5. I've always loved words... both written and spoken.... but you just wrote about a couple that I wasn't familiar with... now... wonder if I can remember them tomorrow?

    1. I'm sure you can. I have already forgotten them.

  6. I guess I also suffer from that ailment or maybe it is just my CRS :(

    1. I got CRS, too. Having both is a problem for me.

  7. I've suffered it all my life. I always assumed it was just me. Now I know it is a somewhat common ailment. Although my wife never seemed to want for words.

    I seem to suffer it more with the spoken word than the written. Wonder why that is?

    Wade in NW Florida

    1. Yep, I believe it is much more common in husbands than in wives. We have less time to think when we are speaking, could that be the reason?

  8. Mine's gotten really bad, hope it's meds,,,lol

    1. Meds can be hard on you. Always try to get off of them as soon as possible. I have to take two kinds every day, one is for blood pressure and the other is for thyroid.
