Friday, March 27, 2015

To Town and Back the Scenic Way.

My wife and I had to go to town this morning and on the way home, we stopped at the post office to check our mail box.  It was such a pretty day, we decided to take the back way home, which we often do after stopping at the post office.  I thought that all the different shades of green caused by the different levels of new growth, was really pretty.  These pictures are taken through dirty glass, remember the yellow cars?  This first one is not very far behind the post office.  Notice all the shades of green?  The picture doesn't do it justice.

What I am trying to show in the next three pictures is the different shades of green that we saw as we drove home:

Here we are approaching the bridge over the creek:

And a picture of the creek.
And the other side of the bridge.
 After crossing the bridge we again saw all the different shades of green.

Oh yes, and blue, too.  There was a beautiful blue sky and a field of blue bonnets to top off our little ride.
I hope you all enjoyed riding along with us from the post office and I want you to have a great day, you hear?


  1. Love this time of year in Texas especially missing the blue bonnets this year.

    1. When the blue bonnets are at their peak, a ride through the hill country is the thing to do.

  2. It's going to be a couple of months before that sort of green is seen back home in northern NH. Of course, that's why I'm in TX now.

    1. Yep, I like it here, but it does get a little hot and muggy in the middle of the summer.

  3. That is a pretty and verdant journey. Great to see countryside like that.

    1. I couldn't live in a city, that is for sure. I love Mother Nature and always see the beauty that she has.

  4. You live in a beautiful area, and the shades of green are gorgeous! Much different than the ride from my post office to home, although we have lots of flowering trees here - Sacramento is sometimes called "The City of Trees".

    1. There were also a lot of flowering trees, like Magnolia and Red Bud, but I like green and blue the best.

  5. I loved riding along with you... especially the blue bonnets.

    1. The blue bonnets have been planted along the roads and are always beautiful, whether planted or wild on their own.

  6. Enjoyed the Green, still mostly brown and bare hereabouts, but now I can see the green ain't too far down the road.

    1. It will creep up your way sooner than you think. One day when you are not expecting it, it will show up.

  7. Enjoyed the trip home with you through all the green of East Texas.

    Could not help but notice the lack of traffic in the area. You are so lucky to have found your little piece of heaven in the mist of the big bad city.

    Maybe in a future blog you can tell us how you lucked out and found your perfect property.

    1. The lack of traffic was because I took the back roads. Ok, I will do that soon.

  8. Yeah, with MsB on that.
    Loved this route, do you ever take any other? Like you, its all about Nature with me too.

    1. Yes, the fastest route is on hwy 105 which is a very busy road.
