Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Idiot Test.

Have you ever been called an idiot?  Well, go to this site and prove to yourself that you are:  http://www.idiottest.net/

I took this test this morning before we left for Wal-Mart.  I wanted to fit in (grin).  If you take the test, tell us how you did and if you are really brave, you can tell how much of an idiot you are.  I bet ole George Carlin would have something to say on that subject.  Well here are a few statements that I found and are clean enough to post on my blog:


Well folks, that is all for today.  Now, you all have great day and you can be an idiot if you want to, I know I am a lot of the time. . . at least that is what I have been told.


  1. You can't be as much of an idiot as I am because I never made it through the first test. I got hung up twice on clicking buttons and decided to quit. Not that it's a good excuse, but I do well on tests with lots of words, and not so well on visuals. Surprising because I'm so right-brained!

    1. We would make a good team because I am the opposite. I ma pretty good at visuals.

  2. Like George Carlin, guess I am an idiot too!

    1. Oh yes, I have always liked him since the first time I heard him.

  3. Replies
    1. OK, I guess I will have to find a test to see if you are scaredy cat or not (grin).

  4. Every time I hit the red button twice it went back to the beginning... I kinda thought I was an idiot to keep trying it again and again. Is something supposed to happen or was it just me?

    1. Don't press the red button the second time too quick, because it changes position, as do others further into the game.

  5. Good old George! I remember his records, they were so "off limits" which made them even better! :)

    1. I liked his records, too. He was way ahead of his time.

  6. Dang I hate fail'n tests like this

    1. You know you can take it over? Like I did, again and again and again (grin).

  7. I liked this post a lot! Ol' George was pretty smart, alright!

    1. He sure could make me laugh because most of his material was based on real life situations.

  8. And the corollary to that final Carlin witticism is the reason men are stupid is because they've been raised by crazy women.

    Keep your powder dry.

  9. #1, whos george carlin?
    #2 quit that test too

    1. You never heard of the comedian, George Carlin?? He died in 2008. He was quite popular and was a guest star on lots of TV shows. He made recordings of his comedy on phonograph records. They were the LP type.

    2. Had lots of fun with that one, Dizzy! Just what I needed after this morning ~ made it up to "Smart" before I fell off. I'll definitely send this one on ~ Thanks!!

    3. I got through quite a few pages of them, but at the end, it still said I was a fool (grin), as if I didn't know that.

  10. Ahhh I came out as BRILLIANT.... (brag brag) but I was always good at paying attention, taking tests, and primitive video games like Tetris!
    Loved the third George Carlin sayin... heh heh

    KarenInTheWoods and Steveio
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. Ok, you liked the third one down, is that because you played the game and came out Brilliant? BTW, so did I. Woops, I knew I shouldn't have included that one and you caught it.
