Sunday, March 22, 2015

Just For "TROUBLEnTX" - My Swamp.

Trouble, who writes the blog, "just a little bit of TROUBLE", asked me awhile back to post some updated pictures of my swamp.  So, today, I took a walk down there and snapped a few pictures for her.  So, Trouble, here are your pictures.  This first one is looking south out to the deep hole that I dug out with  a big tractor a quite a few years ago.  It is a lot bigger than it looks:

I moved down to the east to get a different perspective of the same area in this next one:

The picture below is of the old original deep area.  It has filled in over the years from all the vegetation:

 I walked around the corner and a little to the south and took this next picture:
This is on the lower side of the dam.  Even though this is a low spot, it will dry up later on in the summer:

OK, Trouble, I hope that is what you wanted to see.  Now, I want all of you folks to have a great day, today, you hear?


  1. Drool and sigh. Am I the only one who loves photos of a natural "swamp"? No alligators? Sorry 'bout that.

    Thanks Dizzy. I loved seeing these also.

    1. There are alligators around the area, but so far, none in my swamp. There are alligator snapping turtles, however.

  2. Do you have problems with mosquitos? Snapping turtles are enough without having to deal with gators too!

    1. Not when the fish population was high, but with the last drought everything dried up but the minnows are starting to come back (also, my daughter-in-law bought some minnows and released them in there) and they eat the mosquito's larva.

  3. Do you get egrets, herons and the like? I love wetlands... there is are so many things living there! Very Nice!

    1. Yes we do and I love to see them. Their call isn't so pretty. . .

  4. Replies
    1. I like it!! There is lots of life in that there ole swamp. But, my son wants to reclaim most of it by digging some more deep ponds and spreading the dirt form them over the flat parts. He has a big ole John Deere with front end loader and lots of other equipment.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Here are a couple of past blog postings that show my swamp. The first one has some rare winter pictures, since we don't get any winter around here most years, it is rare.

      And this one about life in the swamp including sirens.

  5. It's beautiful and gives the illusion that you are deep in the woods instead of very close to a large city.

    1. Please, don't remind me how close I am to a large city. .I try to forget, but it is nice if you need medical help.

  6. LOVE those! TYTYTY. And you answered my questions above, about wild life, fish, etc. I would sit there a lot. i put gold fish in my yard pond to eat mosquito larvae too.
    Hope yall are gonna put actual fish in there after your son does that.
    And glad he's going to.

    1. Yes, I sure do miss the big bass that were in it, except when they ate the young wild ducklings.

  7. It looks peaceful and tranquil.... and I bet the wildlife it attracts makes it all worth it!
    KarenInTheWoods and Steveio
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. Yes, there is lots of wild life and ducks like it. But not as much as it used to be. . . people started moving in all around my property.

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