Thursday, February 19, 2015

My Wfe Was Given a Bouquet

Our daughter-in-law stopped by the other day with a gift for my wife.  She brought a beautiful bouquet, actually it was a plant.  .  Remember my post back a few days ago:
In fact, it is still quite beautiful even after this long of a time.  Although a couple of blooms faded and dried up, others took their place.  Take a look at them sitting on the dining table:

There was no flash in that previous picture, just light from overhead light.  Then I took them outside and took their picture out there.  The sun was behind a cloud so this would have to be the closest to their natural color:
 Just for your information, I took a picture of the label:

And to make it easier to read, I cropped the picture leaving only the
Both my wife and I have been enjoying this plant.  It was a perfect gift from our daughter-in-law and we thank her for it.  Hope you enjoyed seeing it again and now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Flowers always make a lady happy, even if it's an apology. I received a lovely small arrangement the other day, just for checking on a friend - most unexpected, and appreciated! Your wife's tulips are lovely - will be interested in knowing how long the "long-life" is.

    1. Nice gifts that are unexpected are special nice for sure. I don't know how long the long life is, but I posted the first blog on Jan. 17th and took the first picture on the 15th. So, it is still blooming.

  2. I never thought of growing tulips hydroponically.... used to do paper-white narcissus that way. What a beautiful color those are... and SO many blooms! So nice of you DIL!

    1. Yes, we sure did appreciate it and we are still appreciating it. It was a great gift for us. Thanks to our DIL.

  3. Replies
    1. Yes they are!! I need to make a correction; this plant is different than the one she was given first.

  4. The tulips are beautiful, and a lovely gift.

    1. Always enjoy flowers this time of year when Spring hasn't sprung yet.

  5. Such a nice idea to give flowers that have not been cut. These will really last, and you guys will enjoy them from year to year. They are beautiful! :)

    1. I always disliked cut flowers because I didn't want to see them die. It's great to see them still in the ground, though.
      These are so much better. Great gift.
      Happy Tails and Trails, Penny
