Friday, February 20, 2015

Just Six Funny Pictures, etc.

 Today I am just going to post a few funny things I found on the Internet today.  This first one caught my attention. 

Does that mean that the roulette wheel and gambling is the work of the Devil?  Isn't the number 666 the sign of the beast (the Devil, Satan).  Anyway, I found the correlation quite fitting, not that I am against gambling, because I love to play poker, etc.

Ok, this next one almost makes sense:

Wow, I would like to get insured by the company on the plate below.  I also love the slogan, what do you think?

In this next picture, those steps might make some people dizzy.  It would be a fun ride coming down them in a wheel chair. . .

You know, I have wondered that all my life:

Such a peaceful scene, that relaxed couple. . .

Until that harvester ruined their day. . . Yuck, Yuck!!!!

OK, it took too long finding those pictures, but it didn't take long to write this blog.  Now, be real careful where you relax because I want you to have a great day and come back tomorrow, you hear?


  1. I lol at a few of those,,,, good ones

  2. Those steps sure make me dizzy! As for numbers, I don't think 666 or any other number is meaningful unless you are counting something. And thirteen is my favorite and lucky number!

    1. Yep, numbers mean a lot more when they are big numbers when counting your money. . .(grin) Now, if all numbers are not meaningful, then why is 13 your favorite and lucky number?

    2. I think it began as my rebellious way of saying I didn't believe it was unlucky. I began to like it and look forward to Friday the 13th when it seemed that good things always happened. I think our attitudes have a big effect on what happens to us.

  3. Those stairs make me think of an M.C. Escher print..... I liked them all except the last one... reminded me of when a guy I knew ran over a sleeping fawn in the hayfield... Lucky numbers? Unlucky numbers? I don't know what I think about that....

    1. Yep, sure does look like M.C. Escher designed those stairs, doesn't it? Luck is a random thing and only shows up when a want lines up with a happening. I would much rather put my trust in prayer, although I admit, I don't do enough of it.

  4. On my van I have a sticker that says: This property protected by Pirates."

  5. Now you got me and Steveio thinking about what kind of voice in the head does a deaf person have... as in the way of language... hmmmmm it made for some pretty good discussion over coffee today!

    KarenInTheWoods and Steveio
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. Glad it got you thinking and discussing it. Let me know if you come up with an answer.

    2. I think it would depend upon what country the deaf person was born in. They would most likely think in the sign language that they have been taught. Sign language is not a universal language. Like spoken languages, sign languages around the world are different. If born in the United States then they would think in ASL or American Sign Language.

    3. I didn't know that, thought it each sign was a letter and you could spell any word no matter what language as long as they used the A thru Z alphabet.

  6. Does a tree make a sound,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
