Saturday, February 21, 2015

Not Well on Such a Nice Day.

I have been fighting this virus since just after Christmas.  Remember this post: 
Back then I went to the doctor's and got some pills.  I got feeling better and didn't take the pills.  Then I came down with it again.  This time I am taking the pills and as of this morning after taking one, I only have enough for today and tomorrow.  I think what is troubling me the most is my ears.  I can't hear very well.  I can sure hear myself talk and other bodily noises, but not much from the exterior.  I don't think my wife has been telling me much today, if so, I didn't hear her (grin).  Hey, now that I got a good excuse, why not use it???

Thought maybe a walk through the flea market would make me feel better.  Trouble was, everyone was whispering . . . oh wait a minute, they were not whispering, I just couldn't hear them.  I did buy a couple of books.  Took only one picture and it was of a paper sign glued onto a block which read:
I was going to buy it but it seemed like too much exercise to me.  It is simply beautiful here again today, in the mid to upper 70's.  Can't complain about the winter weather the last few days but that is a fix'n to change when a cold front comes sweeping in here tomorrow.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I hope you get to feeling better soon. As we get older it sure isn't a good use of time being sick! I love the sign, and may get or make one of my own - sure would make my exercising easier! Take care and get well.

    1. Yep, my friend Ed at the flea market had it on his table for sale. That is the kind of exercise I can stand, if I walk slow (grin).

  2. Maybe it's time to head back to the doctor... it gets kinda scary when the dang stuff just drags on. I like that "walk around the block" sign... wonder how much weight I can lose if I walk around it 5 times?

    1. Two and a half times more weight. Let's see, that would be less than a gram (grin).

  3. Ooooh I had that 2 years ago when we came to Texas.. spend half of our vacation with my ears all blocked and garbbely. (is that a word?) I tried plugging my nose and blowing hard with my mouth shut to unplug them.. worked a few times but not much. Thought I might blast out my ear drums.

    Then finally I relented and took Steve's strong sinus pills.. the ones with the "D" after the name that you have to sign for behind the counter at the pharmacy... with your drivers license as ID... They are expensive but well worth it.. it has to have the D after the name.. Allegra D, Claritin D or Zyrtek D... do not get the Allegra, Claritin or Zyrtek over the counter stuff that is cheaper. Spring for the strong stuff you sign for, and it worked! Two days of those and my head was clear and my ears unplugged..... Just a suggestion that worked for me! .

    1. I have to be real careful what I take. I am allergic to most everything they give you for allergies and colds. I am hoping the antibiotic that I am taking will do the trick.

  4. I think my wife has got the same bug, same problem with the ears, too. She said it's like water sloshing around in a bucket, said it drives her crazy, I tell her it would be a short trip, but she doesn't hear me. Lucky me. Enjoy your nice weather, I'll complain about the weather here, dang ice, dang snow, dang freezing rain, dang cold!

    1. Now I suppose you will send that weather over this way, just because I said how nice it was?!?! And yes, we are suppose to get an arctic front through here. That should drop the highs down to the 60's or 50's. I will have to wait until tonight's news cast and catch the weather.

    2. Hope you get the hearing fixed up fairly soon and without another trip to the doc!

    3. I do, too. But it isn't any better today. . . maybe tomorrow it will clear up some.

  5. Hope you get better soon.

