Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Animals Know How to Relax.

All animals know how to relax, not just us humans.  Of course it is safer and easier for the hunters to relax than the hunted.  The hunted have to always be on guard.  Now doesn't that polar bear in the foreground of the following picture look really relaxed:
But domesticated animals that live inside a home with their human friends can relax almost anytime without being on guard, like this kitten:
 Dogs are really good at relaxing, too:

My pups are no exception.  The two oldest ones prefer to be up on the furniture.  When my wife is in her recliner, the white male is always by her side in that chair.  When my wife is somewhere else, he can be found next to the oldest female: 

 The matriarch is either on the couch or in my rocker/recliner.  Here they are this morning together on the couch:

 And I guess they have such a hard life that they have to take lots of naps.  Now, talk about relaxed, you could learn something from my dogs.

 Well, the dinner bell is going off, the pups are up and already eating, so I better go get my lunch before it gets cold.  Now, you all have a very relaxing day, you hear?


  1. It's funny to think that a dog or cat can just roll over and let it all go and some of us humans have such a hard time doing just that. After I retired, it took a long time for me not to feel guilty if I wanted to blow the afternoon off by reading a book or the like. In fact, the week after I retired I signed up to work at a temp agency to work now and then. Now I have no problem just sitting on a porch and watching the world go by... but we do like our volunteer jobs where we can be productive. It's just knowing where the balance is ;-)

    1. You know that old saying "All work and no play. . ." Well I say all play is better than all work (grin), at least at my age.

  2. I don't think there is an animal in the world that can relax like a dog! They are masters at it.

    1. My three are, for sure. The one snores and that makes me sleepy. . .

  3. Animals could teach us all something about relaxing!

    1. I just couldn't ever sleep as much as my dogs do. Although they do teach me how to relax and when I pet them I feel relaxed.

  4. So, so cute! I love every picture in this post. Yup, if only we could learn to be that relaxed. :)
