Monday, January 19, 2015

Wondering About Two Kinds of Zeppelins.

There maybe many kinds of zeppelins, but I can only think of two kinds this morning.  The one is heavy and the other is light.  I think I will start with the light one.  Yep, it is even lighter than air.  It was back in World War I when the world first started hearing about them.  In fact, it was in January 1915 that Germany sent three zeppelins on a two-day bombing mission over England.  Here are some pictures of them.

 These next two look to me like they are huge!!  Notice that they have two gondolas under them.  I have seen pictures of some that had cargo space inside the main structure of the zeppelin.

The heavy one is lead (actually it is "led"), now that is heavy (or they are led around).  Have you ever heard of the led-Zeppelin?  I don't know much about them, other than they were a singing group.  Since they didn't record any country-western or bluegrass music, I have never heard them that I know of.  OK, here are a couple of pictures of them:

Even though I have posted pictures of a rock music group, my satellite radio is always sitting on the bluegrass station.  Now, you all listen to what ever music you like best and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I remember seeing a zeppelin or two when I was younger - remember the Goodyear Blimp. I don't think there is enough money in the world to entiice me to climb into a tiny gondola and fly through the air, and the same goes for a hot air balloon. I don't even care for airplanes.

    I was never into Led Zeppelin, but my youngest son gave me a cassette tape (which I still travel with) of their music. Their drummer is the absolute best I have ever heard in my life! (BTW, my 2006 Highlander still has the cassette feature along with radio, cd and the rest.

    1. I have seen lots of blimps. The Good Year Blimp used to be stationed just down the road from us. loved seeing it. I know the guy who used to fly it.

  2. Led Zeppelin was more my generation.

    I think it would be cool if airships came back and did regular passenger service. What a ride that would be.

    1. Every one is in too big a hurry now a days. Blimps and dirigibles are a lot slower than a jet plane.

  3. I've seen the Goodyear blimp several times... but a few years ago, when we were living in Maine, a blimp was housed at the old Loring Air Force Base right next to us. It was being used for research of some kind, manned by a contractor for the military. It was quit loud and they flew way too low over the refuge. I forget how much altitude was required, but they were lower than that. I'd take photos and e-mail them down to the district law enforcement
    office. When we were there last summer that project had been moved downstate and the blimp was gone. Down here in the Rio Grande Valley there are (I think unmanned) blimp-like things... I think they are tethered.... I've been told they are used by Border Patrol somehow to spot illegals, but I don't know that. Now... darn it, Dizzy, you've gotten my curiosity aroused and I'm gonna have to find out.....

    1. Lighter than air aircraft are the cheapest to fly and can stay up indefinitely. Great for surveillance, too.

  4. I've been up in a hot air balloon. Very pleasing. They're quiet. You can hear conversations on the ground. Of course people down below can hear your conversation too. So you have to be careful of what you say. Especially in rural gun owner territory. ;)

    1. A fellow I knew who has passed, a blogger and friend, used to be into hot-air ballooning. I have never been up in one but I know I would love it.

  5. People tend to use the term blimp and zeppelin interchangeably which made me think or wonder (I do that from time to time).

    Question: Is it a blimp or a zeppelin?

    When in doubt, just think of Led Zeppelin. Zeppelins are heavy metal—or at least they've got metal skeletons. Blimps, on the other hand, aren't.

    1. You are so right and that is a good way to remember which one is which.

  6. I would love it too DD. But, only Zeppelin i ever heard of was LED,,,Didn't really care for his music, maybe 1 or 2.

    1. If it ain't classic country or bluegrass, it would be doubtful if I heard it. . . (grin) I am just an old hill-billy at heart.
