Saturday, January 17, 2015

Wondering About a Beautiful Flower.

Our daughter-in-law gave us a beautiful flower for Christmas this year.  It is really something special and we have been enjoying it.  Since Christmas, the buds have broken open and it began to bloom, spilling out some of the most beautiful red color possible.  It is called a Giant Amaryllis.  Here are a couple of pictures that I took of it.  This first one was only two day's ago:
 And the rest of the pictures I took just a few minutes ago:

Now tell me, ain't they beautiful??

Just trying to put some beauty into yours and my world and I sure do hope that you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I is a very beautiful flower. Do you know how often it blooms?

    1. Here is a site that tells all about them:

  2. Looks really nice to me! Wonder how long it will last?

    1. If taken care of properly, the bulbs will keep on producing plants.

  3. Gorgeous! I've had those years ago... actually one time measured how much it grew in 24 hours... something like over an inch or so... can't remember now. One year I had one almost ready to bloom and one of my kid's friends accidentally hit it with her coat and broke the stem. We took a tongue depressor (probably a small piece of wood... who keeps tongue depressors around?) and taped it to the stem forming kind of a splint. Darned if the thing didn't continue to grow... and bloom. I readily agree with you that they are lovely... in every color! Thanks for sharing a bright spot in life today!

    1. If your splint looked like a small tongue depressor it may have been a popsicle stick.

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, I like the color. They come in all colors but this one is on top of my list.

  5. Love it, think i put 4 in my flower bed, and maybe they are still there.

    1. They probably are and maybe you should watch for them popping up through the ground.

  6. That is lovely!
    I like the collection of plants you have there by that window. very natural and pretty.
    What is that one in the ball of foil??
    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny.

    1. That is called lucky bamboo, but it is not really bamboo. Here is a link I found when I Goggled it:

  7. I LOVE those - and use to have some on my patio at the condo. I did have one given to me one Christmas while in The Palms, but as it grew it became so tall it wouldn't fit in my kitchen. The stem was sooooo tall. I gave it to my DIL a couple of months later, hoping she would plant it in their garden. Yours looks like much shorter stem - perfect! That deep, rich red is beautiful. :)
