Friday, January 16, 2015

I Now Have a Piano

I always loved a piano  As a small boy, as I told you in a previous blog, I used to pound on my grandparents' and my Uncle's pianos every time I got the chance.  As of today, I now own a piano and the piano was delivered just a few minutes ago.  I didn't waste any time trying it out.  Even though I can't play, it sure did sound good to me.  Here is a picture of it sitting in my living room:

Now, I wonder if the dogs will howl bark when I try to play it.  Yes I did try it out, but the dogs weren't quite sure what to think.  I guess that I will have to teach them to sing along.  Right?

Have a great day, I am going to.


  1. How about a rip roaring riff of chopsticks, just to see if it's in tune. Then, some Jerry Lee Lewis. They say learning a new musical instrument helps the brain fire on more cylinders, tweeks the old synapes. That why Jerry Lee looks like he is being electrocuted.

    1. How did you know that the second thing I played was chopsticks? Then I played a few of my favorite chords. That was quick, cause I only know a few chords. . .

    2. chopsticks is required for all serious musicians!

  2. It is said that a man who can play piano in a marching band can do anything. :)

  3. And here I was ready to ask you if you played Chopsticks... and darned if I didn't get beaten out of being first!

    1. Why of course I played chopsticks. I will have to try to find some music books. I had a bunch that also had the guitar chords shown, but I will danged if I can find them.

  4. Don't forget to plug in the internal dehumidifier to keep the humidity over there from destroying the piano.

    1. I do have a stand-alone dehumidifier. Maybe I should sit it beside the piano and turn it on. The furnace comes on at night and dries things out but the AC hasn't had to run much lately.

  5. I love that piano, and wish I had one! Do you remember "Heart & Soul", as a duet? I can play the c.hords if you can play the melody

    1. I searched my place for my old music books and can't find them. I can play the chords better, so you will have to play the melody.

  6. That looks very much like the one I had; it had a beautiful tone. And I too needed to teach myself how to play it. I did fairly well. But, my small hands were too small to easily reach the octaves. I did enjoy it though.

    1. I, too, have small hands but at least I can still pound on it like I did when I was a kid. Just because I am in my 70's doesn't mean I can't learn something new.

  7. Hope it's not like when my dad decided to learn the steel guitar..OMG,,

  8. The pianos in my childhood home were the extremely large uprights that caused the floors to dip. Your piano is of the lighter weight variety so I wouldn't worry about your floors. "Heart and Soul" is as much a necessity as chopsticks. I used to play piano in the "old time rag" style and prefer it to this day. I found that playing the guitar is SO much simpler than the piano, and the banjo is easier than the keep an open mind if I ever get the opportunity to visit.

    1. I think I am going to enjoy it. I have played guitars for many, many years, but just want to try to teach myself to play the piano. Maybe I am too old, but I am going to give it a try.
