Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wondering About a Nagging Cough.

I have been under the weather for a spell.  Came down with the flu right after Christmas and now I am left with a nagging cough.  It seems to be getting a little better, so I hope to be over it soon.

Guess what I bought today.  I bought a used piano.  No, I don't have it yet but it is supposed to be delivered tomorrow.  It is paid for and now I am making a place in my living room for it.  Now, I suppose your nest question is if I can play it.  No, I can't.  But I always wanted one and tomorrow I will have one.  My grandparents had one and my Uncle had one at the farm.  When I was a kid, I used to sit at them for hours and try to make some kind of music.  OK, now I am going to be a kid again. . . at least for a couple of hours, OK?

I didn't have my camera along today, so I don't have any pictures to show you.  He said that he was going to email me some but I haven't got any yet.  When or if I do today, I will add a picture to this post.  But for now, you all have a great day, you hear?

OK, I got a picture that he found in that locker unit that had the piano in it.  Here it is:

I blanked out the face of the little girl that was in the picture.  I don't know who she is and want to protect her privacy.

I just added this picture that I took of the piano at the storage locker:

  After I get it delivered, I will be able to take some better pictures.  The last I heard, it may come tomorrow, if he can get his helpers together.  Have a great evening, you hear?


  1. I am so excited for you and your piano! Why? Well, my family had a piano when I was a little kid. My mom could play and to this day I've wondered where she learned that..... When we moved from the company house (coal mining town) to "town", we left that piano. Don't know why... Life went on... I am SO musically challenged that it's pathetic. BUT... eventually I had kids... and my daughter took piano lessons. Now... this was when we lived in a trailer home... no piano... no space for one... she had to practice at the music room at the local university. She has since learned to play the clarinet, piano, guitar, and dobro. So... Dizzy... there's certainly hope for you especially since you already play the guitar. For me? hopeless... I'm lucky to tune in a radio station.

    1. Thanks, I sure do plan on enjoying it. Of course the wife and the dogs will want ear plugs, the type I use when I go to the top fuel drag races.

  2. Take care of that cough. I'm still trying to get rid of mine. The warmer weather sure helps me feel better.

    There's something wonderfully civilized about having a real piano in the house.

    1. I don't think that this cough is going away anytime soon, but I hope I am wrong. I will find out how civilized it make our house tomorrow when it gets delivered.

    2. You need some antibiotics, dont let this hang on.

  3. I was raised in a four room house with two upright pianos. One in my bedroom and the other in the 12 x 14 living room. When dad noticed the baseboard pulling away from the hardwood floor, he had to put steel support poles in the cellar to hold up the sub-floor.

    1. Don't scare me. That was the first thing that my son asked, if the floor could take that weight. I live in a double-wide, so now I am getting worried.

    2. build a room out back,,,hahahaha

  4. I'm excited to see a photo of your new piano. I've had a couple of them in my lifetime and enjoyed playing when I was alone. I never liked to play when anyone was listening. My mom played by ear which I always thought was absolutely incredible. I have to have the music in front of me.

    The cough can last a while although it gets better so little at a time you don't realize it for a while. It is so annoying and makes you feel guilty when you cough in public!

    1. Our friend found that piano in a storage locker that was abandoned and the unit was sold to him on an on-line auction. He said that so far, he has made out like a bandit. He had no idea that there was a piano in the locker since it was hidden in the back.

  5. I was just going to ask you if it was the piano your posted on a prior blog when your friend bid on a storage locker but you have answered my question.

    I know you will soon learn how to play it like an old pro :)

    1. Yes, you are right and I would imagine it will take some time, but maybe I can teach myself, like I did with the guitar.

  6. As a kid, mom thot i had to have piano lessons. A blind lady lived within a block and thats where i did it. She used brail, but taught me how to chord along with the upper line of music, sounded like i played by ear. After a couple of years, said she had taught me all she could. Later i played for church for a couple of years. Now,, cant do a thing, forgot it all. Im talking about YEARS ago, lol. not my bad memory.

    1. Ah come on, I bet you could sit down at a piano, place your hands on the keys and some, if not all, of your past learning will come back to you.

  7. I have that same yearning - I bought an old upright when I lived in Camino, CA in a house, and finally sold it years later. I've also bought a few electronic pianos - the one from Costco was a full sized keyboard, really nice. Sold it in the estate sale when I went full time. Now I have a smaller keyboard in the rig, and will learn some day. I think even more than playing a piano, I just want one around. If I ever settle again or have a home base, I'd like to take lessons. I tried to teach myself, but could only go so far without lessons. Have fun with your new piano! :)

    1. A piano is a great way to make music but it sure ain't as portable as my guitars. I like both instruments.
