Monday, January 12, 2015

Wondering About Amos "n" Andy.

How many of you remember the Amos "n" Andy show?  I do.  I guess that makes me really old. . . but I am sure some of you look old enough to have been on the Mayflower. . . nah, you all are young compared to me (grin).  Just in case you are interested, that show is older than I am.  It started on radio as a nightly serial from 1928 to 1943, then weekly from 1943 through 1955, and as a nightly disc-jockey program from 1954 through 1960.

A television version ran on CBS from 1951 through 1953:
And of course the actors that played in the TV show: 

But here is a picture of the actors that played in the radio show, Freeman Gosden (Amos) and Charles Correll (Andy):
What is wrong with this picture??  Oh yes, they are white.  Back  then, a lot of white people played black people, both on stage and on the radio.  And by the way, the original Amos n Andy debuted on Chicago radio on this day back in 1926.  Now you all have a great day, even if you aren't old enough to remember Amos "n" Andy, you hear?


  1. I remember that show, it was a lot of fun to watch!

    1. For some reason, I seem to remember the radio show better. But my memory is not as good as it used to be.

  2. I remember, sorta. Didn't watch or listen enough.

  3. I remember the show from radio. We didn't get a TV until 1958 so most of the old radio shows that went to TV I never saw.

    1. I sort of missed 2nd grade. I was bed ridden for months so my Dad felt sorry for me and bought one of the first TVs anyone had in our area. There was only one or two stations to start with, but quickly more were added. I believe KDKA radio was the one who got into TV first. Yes, I grew up and spent half my life in western Pennsylvania.

    2. You just throw that out there and dont finish???? WHY were you in bed that long?

  4. Hey, I remember that show! I even saw it on television a few times as a kid!

    Guess I'm older than I thought!

    1. You are only has old as you feel, and sometimes I feel mighty old. But, if you added your age to mine we would still be middle aged, right? (grin)

  5. I don't remember it on TV ???? but remember the radio shows. We had a BIG radio... probably 4' high... a couple feet wide and maybe a couple feet deep. I can remember as very little kid trying to get behind it so I could see those people who were talking. Yeah... I guess Amos and Andy were there, too.

    1. Yep, we had one of those big console type radios. I had a rocking chair in front of it where I would listen to the shows. Do you remember back when there was only a half hour disc jockey program on radio?

  6. I remember it and one show in particular stands out. They decided they wanted to go camping so they sold the car and bought a camping trailer. Well as you might expect they then had no way to pull the trailer so they bought an old put put motor scooter to pull it with. That didn't work out so at the last of the show they got a bunch of Christmas trees and put them all around the trailer so they could pretend they were camping.

    1. I don't remember that one. That sure was a long time ago and I think that old type of humor is the best.
