Thursday, January 22, 2015

Satellite TV Guy Was Here Yesterday.

I wrote this blog posting yesterday and for some dumb reason, I forgot to hit the publish button or I did hit the button and it didn't publish, anyway.  So, I will put it below and then I will follow it with a little more useless information.  The following, in red, is what I wrote yesterday:

The Dish Satellite guy is here to update my boxes and antenna.  He is now on the roof.  He said he was going to start with replacing the old antenna so that I could get the high definition signal.  I told him I didn't have any have any high definition televisions, but he said that you probably would in the future.

OK, all is done and I have a new antenna and two new tuning boxes (DVRs).  He told us we could even receive the programs on our computers and tablets while traveling.  There is a place on the internet where we can get that mobile programming.  First, though, we will have to download a special app to do that.

Lunch is almost ready and I sure don't want to be late answering the dinner bell.  Eating is one of my favorite things to do.  So, you all have a great day, you hear?

OK, now for today's question.  How many of you know what a "Mechanical Paradox Orrery" is?  OK, for those who do, when was the first one made and by whom?

First, an Orrery is a mechanical interpretation of the sun, earth, and moon and the first one was built back in 1750 by a Scottish Astronomer named James Ferguson for use in his lectures about the solar system.  Here is picture of an interpretation of that original Orrery:

 And here is a picture of a working model:

 OK, now you have a lot more useless information to clutter up your mind.  Now, if you really want to see a cluttered up mind, take a look at mine. (grin)  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?



  1. Glad I'm not the only one that forgets to post from time to time. Must be something in the air!

    1. Maybe it is something in the water here around Houston. Couldn't be that we are getting old. . . oh no, no.

  2. Tonite i need to record 2 channels, and cant on mine. But you can, i think. When trying to replace my VCR, didnt know the new ones dont have tuners in them any more. Seems no one else did either. Did find one somewhere, Sears? Im on cable.

    1. I am not sure what all it does. Guess I will have to read the book he left that has the instructions in it. You know how often men read instructions. . .

  3. I can barely keep up with the Uverse service I have, and I like it, but as for high def, flat screen and the like, I'll never have it1

    1. I still have the old square screen TVs and after the new boxes were installed, I can't see the stuff on the sides. He said there is a way to fix that, so why didn't he do it???

    2. i have the newer tvs and still cant see the sides, and wont adjust either.

  4. I really like this modern technology, the DVR is a great thing & the HD quality of the picture is nice too.

    That said I'm not always happy with the people who want to sell me things. You now have HD, HD digital recorders and amazing possibilities.
    But you don't have an HD tv... how much extra is this technology you don't need costing you?
    It's a rhetorical question, I'm just 'generally' pissed when I see what those people do.

    FWIW I'm too cheap for satellite, I use an antenna and broadcast TV .

    1. I have a nice rocker/recliner and satellite TV. Those two things makes Dizzy happy.
