Friday, January 23, 2015

Wondering About Putnisite.

I bet most of you have never heard of Putnisite.  I actually only came across that word this morning when I was leafing through my newest edition (January/February) of Discover.  It was number 96 of the top 100 stories of 2014.  The reason it caught my attention was the picture posted.  It was a beautiful purple against a green background.

This must be a rare gem because it was first discovered by a Western Australian mining company in 2006.  Now ain't that purty:
How about one that is more on the blue side:
Remember I told you above that it was first discovered in 2006?  Well, after eight years of analysis it was announced earlier this year that it is an unknown substance and would be named Putnisite in honor of Christine and Andrew Putnis.  Putnisite has both style and substance.  According to the article in Discover, "The shimmering mineral has an otherworldly look, and while most new minerals are chemically or structurally related to other known minerals or synthetic compounds, putnisite is unique on both fronts."
So, every now and then there is something new under the sun. . . well maybe not, because this stuff was not under the sun, it was below ground level.  Yep, that is why a mining company discovered it.
Now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I really like the one in your first photo. Is it expensive? I was thinking it would look nice on my coffee table, but remembered that I have a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle on that table!

    1. I just Googled it and the first one to come up was a 1 x 1 x 1 cm piece that sold for $75.00 in June of 2012.

  2. Replies
    1. Yep, it is the hard tack candy that the aliens dropped on their last visit to this planet.

  3. A new discovery, and it's pretty? Double nice!

    1. Ditto on both. I wonder if there is any of that stuff in New England or maybe down here in Texas?

  4. Putnisite? Never heard of it.... but sure like the purple color. I should ask my husband who's college years were in geology.... but his usual answer to my questions etc is..... uh huh..... okay..... I'll look into it...... so.... all I can say is..... it looks pretty.

    1. Remember, it was only discovered in 2006 so if he went to college before that date they didn't know about it then. Let us know if he has heard of it, since he is interested in geology.

  5. Maybe they dilithium crystals used to power the Enterprise. Now we can go where no one has gone before. :)

    1. You know they could be. I will have to ask Mr. Spock next time I see him (grin).

  6. Replies
    1. Yes they are but what I can't understand is why it took so many years to identify them.
