Friday, December 5, 2014

Wondering About Fractals.

What is a fractal?  There are two basic designs that I am aware of.  One is created by nature and the other is created by mathematics (man).  I like fractals and think that they are really pretty.  My wife used to make cards and sometimes she would draw multi-colored fractals on them.

One way to produce a fractal is to come up with a mathematical formula and feed it into a computer and, if you know what you are doing, you can come up with something that looks like this:

Or this:

Or this:

 But nature is really very good at coming up with fractal designs, like this:

 And this next one is even better, don't you think?

But the one that nature comes up with that everyone can relate to is the way water freezes into designs, whether a snow flake or the surface of a puddle or the outside of a window.  You know, something like this:

I sure hope that we will not see that cold object in that last picture down here in warm and sunny Texas. . . but who knows, I have seen snow and ice here before.  Granted, it is rare but every so many years, there seems to be an extra cold spell blow in here from the arctic circle.  You do know that the only thing between the north pole and here in Texas are few strands of barbed wire. . . Yes, I know it is in the 70's here and the humidity is high.  Maybe that last picture will help cool you off a bit.  Now, have a great day, you hear?


  1. O wow, love those. Reminds me of those things you look thru with one eye, turn the end, and get these amazing designs. LOL i still like em.

    1. Kaleidoscope. . Yep, had one when I was a kid and I believe my boys had one, too; probably my old one.

  2. It makes if you believe the entire universe is mathematical, so creating fractals or seeing them in nature is about the same thing. They sure are beautiful.

    1. I am open minded when it comes to the Universe, but most anything can be described with mathematics, except maybe love and hate.

  3. I'm expecting another 3-6 inches of fractals overnight. Somewhere in the middle of my shovelling I tend to lose interest in them as individuals.

    1. That shoveling snow will make you want to leave for the south as soon as possible. When will your lake freeze over.

  4. They are truly beautiful for sure. We will be having plenty of the winter type of fractals here in Pennsylvania before too long, I am certain.

    1. I remember when I lived up there we always liked it when we had snow for the first day of deer season. Hunting season was a great excuse to get out in the woods or go to camp for a few days. Our camp was (and still is) near Fryburg, PA. It is still in the family.
