Saturday, December 6, 2014

Wondering About Junk.

Have you ever given junk a second thought?  Like most of us, we just throw it into the trash or the garbage can, sit it out on trash pick-up day, and, Poof, its gone just like that.  But where does it all go?  Well that depends on a lot of things and what the stuff is that is thrown away and where you live and a lot of variables.  We have two different dumps in our area.  The one was closed to the public and I only see garbage trucks going into it.  The other one is open to the public but is quite expensive.  The humans on this earth are throwing away way too much stuff and the landfills are getting filled and overflowing.

But, I am not wondering about garbage, I am wondering about junk.  Yep, there are also junk yards which would be the equivalent to dumps for garbage but these are for real junk.

And some specialty junk yards only deal in certain kinds of junk, like automotive junk parts, or all steel, or all aluminum, etc.

Or you may think of a ship, a Chinese Junk:

 We humans have sure junked up our wold, but we didn't stop there.  There is so much space junk orbiting our planet that it has become a great danger to manned orbital or space flights.  Ever since the Russians launched Sputnik, that area for low orbiting objects has become very, very crowded. 

Especially the area where communication satellites orbit.  I am not sure if the above picture is accurate or not, but it gives you the idea of what I am talking about.  Now, you all have a great day and try to re-cycle, you hear?


  1. Recycle, but try not to buy so much junk in the first place. The way marketing urges us to buy way more than we need, and the way we are hypnotized by that marketing, is going to drown the planet in junk! We have huge floating piles of it the size of the state of Texas in our oceans!

    1. Yep, it is everywhere and now it orbits the earth. If we could live like the Indians did, all would be fine but there are just too many people on the planet to do that.

  2. One man's junk is another man's treasure.

    I do like the junk sailing rig. Simple, powerful, and reliable.

    1. Yes they are a workhorse boat, for sure. You are sure right about one man's junk is another man's treasure. I guess that is why flea markets are so popular.

  3. I try to recycle as much as I can. For a couple of years now I have cut back on my purchases except where it comes to camping gear.

    1. If everyone did what you do, we wouldn't have as bad a problem. You are doing good, girl!!!

  4. There is as much 'trash' involved in the packaging of the 'junk' we buy as there is 'junk'. The push to use recyclable bags at the market is symbolism over the substance of 'trash' that goes into the recyclable bag.

    1. A lot of things in the store have more packaging and less merchandise.

  5. Ive seen the trash collected in the ocean,,, makes you sick.

    1. When trash and garbage gets out of control, it will make you sick, for real.

  6. Thanks for posting this info. I just want to let you know that I just check out your site and I find it very interesting and informative. I can't wait to read lots of your posts. find junk yards
