Thursday, December 4, 2014

Wondering, Why Do I Feel So Old??

I have a water pipe leaking somewhere under the house.  So I did the logical thing, I crawled under there to see where it was.  And yep, I found it, but it is going to be hard to get to and I don't want to do it.  I called the insurance people and the adjuster will be out in the morning.  Now, I am trying to find someone who can do the job.  That isn't the subject of this blog but how bad I feel now after just crawling under there and looking around.  Dang, I must have become one of those "old farts" I have been hearing about.  So, how about some old fart jokes, maybe laughing will make me feel better or make me feel worse.  Anyway, here are a few:

Now, that sounds pretty close to correct to me.

Then our hearing starts to go. . . 

I think this next one is so true, in some cases.  I don't think I am young, so I must be stupid.  .  .

I really got a chuckle out of this last one.
 Well, I hope I put a smile on someone's face today with these stinky jokes, but even if I didn't, I hope you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I think you should hire someone to crawl under the house to fix the problem. Getting older should mean we don't have to prove that we can do whatever we want.

    1. I will, but want the insurance adjuster to see it first. The last time I had a problem I went ahead and had the problem fixed at a cost of nearly ten grand and the insurance company never paid because they said they had not seen it before it was fixed. That ain't going to happen again.

  2. Many ions ago I did animation, and that old man and woman were one of my first. His had went sneaking toward her leg and as it got closer her smile got bigger. I had forgotten all about that! Of course, I spend my days forgetting everything anyway.

    Wouldn't it be great if while your adjuster was under your house, he'd fix the pipe? Makes sense to me!

    1. I definitely will suggest that. I will tell him that if he fixed it, then he would be sure it was done right. I also did animations but for showing how proposed machinery would work.

  3. I learned something an adjuster BEFORE you fix anything...good advice.

    1. I learned the hard way, but I hope my experience will help others not to make the same mistakes.

  4. I guess I'm confused about this adjuster thing.

    If I have some damage to my car I call my insurance and they send out and adjuster or they ask me to send them a couple of estimates before the repairs are done.

    Why would damage to a home be any different? I never filed a claim for home damage but I think I would have done the same thing that I did with car damage.

    1. The adjuster just left and he gave me a check. Probably not enough but it will sure help out.

  5. Replies
    1. Glad they made you smile. I laughed out loud when I first saw the last one.

  6. Made me smile, for sure! Thanks for that!

    1. It is always good to smile and I am glad I could make you smile.
