Friday, December 26, 2014

Wondering About the Day After.

It is the day after Christmas and there is nothing left under the Christmas tree except some shiny foil icicles that were knocked off when the kids were retrieving the pretty wrapped boxes, which were quickly opened.  I must say these two wonderful kids are the best behaved and most polite children I have ever known.  We think that they sure are special and we are so very happy that they are now part of our family.  After all those hours and days of preparation, planning, and joy of trying to find the right gift that will bring happiness to all, it all came and went so fast.  Now it is all in the past.

Hay, even Santa brought me a toy!!  This toy will keep me occupied for hours and hours and offers so many different scenarios, that I sure I will still be using it until next Christmas and beyond.  Maybe I will tell you more about it in a future blog posting.  I sure hope Santa brought you what you wanted and that you had a great Christmas.  Now, have a great day, today, you hear?


  1. So glad you have the kids now, i'm sure they will be glad to entertain you. lol.
    My nephew came over and got my new printer going, was something i looked at and didnt do, the location thingy i think. Reason i like it so much is it works off this laptop, dont have to go thru the desktop, which is NOT working,,,,, lol. He said they didnt have a battery either, but the screen says low power before the black screen with F1 or F2 to use. O well, worry about that later. lol

  2. Glad that the grandkids made y'all happy. I think a lot of folks are like me... kinda hide from the holidays... too many folks we love either gone or live way to heck somewhere else. I'm fortunate... still have my sweetie right beside me. Hey... that's not fair... you gotta share that Christmas gift with the rest of us.....

    1. Oh I will, just wanted to have another subject for tomorrow and the new game will be it.

  3. It is so rare to find polite and well behaved kids these days. It speaks volumes of how their mother raised them.

    You mean Santa is real? Dang...I must have been a very bad girl because he has forgotten about me for years...:(

    1. Yes, those kids are great and someone had to be the reason.

  4. Hey, DD, where are you? Did the new toy take up all your time?
