Thursday, December 25, 2014

A Merry Christmas and a Disapointment.

It has been a good Christmas day, a cold front moved in and with the clear skies, it was beautiful.  My wife and I got the tree set up ahead of time, shopped for just the right groceries for Christmas dinner, wrapped the gifts, and put them all under the tree.

Then my wife, after cooking all day and just took a cherry pie out of the oven, got the table all set for us, our son, and his wife and the two kids.

Then we called to see when they would be here.  It turned out my son came down with bad case of the flu.  His wife and the two children will be here however, so, although we are disappointed that he isn't going to make it, we are sure glad that they will be here.  And I think Santa Claus will be happy, too.

He is standing on a bench looking at the decorated tree.  The gang should be here shortly, so I will cut this short and sure wish you had a great day, you hear?


  1. Merry Christmas to All. The sun came out today, last 4 days have been gray, rain, null and void.

    1. Hope you had a great Christmas. . . It was cool here but really nice. Don't think it got much above 60 today. Jimkabob, you can keep that weather over there, you hear?

  2. Hope your son recovers quickly... that flu can sure drag a person down. I bet you had a good time with the grandkids, though.

    1. Yes we did and they enjoyed their gifts. I was having so much fun with them that I forgot to take any pictures after they started to open packages.

  3. THE BEST PRESENT EVER was your son not showing up to make everyone sick! Most people don't have that kind of courtesy. Beautiful tree, happy wife, happy life.

    1. All is good, except for our son being really sick. I sure wouldn't want to get it.

    2. The kids always make Christmas for me.

  4. While your son could not be there at least you were able to spend time with his wife and the kids.

    Here is hoping that he starts feeling well soon and that you can spend many more holidays together.
