Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Wondering About Eating Out.

My wife and I and our friend Rich, had lunch to today at the Cracker Barrel.  But first, we met at Goodwill and took a look around.  We didn't get too much, just some DVD's, mostly music.  I got one recorded by one of my favorite blue grass singers, the Father of Blue Grass, Mr. Bill Monroe.

Then I found a couple of DVDs of one of my favorite Country Music Singers, Merle Haggard.

Not only did I get some DVDs of the above two stars, I also got one titled Country Gold.  It is going to take some time to listen to all of those, but I will enjoy every bit of it.  Now, you all have a very Merry Christmas, you hear?


  1. and,,,,,,,,Merry Christmas to YOU,,, lol

    1. Hope you are feeling better and will have a great Christmas, too.

  2. Kinda funny that you found "your" music today... so did I... Several years ago we were spending the winter in the Yucatan (it's kinda long story) and I met a lady at church who was willing to teach us Spanish. Anyway, she loaned me a CD of some beautiful music. I'll admit, I kinda bootlegged it and made a copy. I've played that CD so much that the darned thing finally wore out. So... I found that I could get that music from ITunes. Not being very computer literate I put that off until today... I downloaded ITunes on my computer and spent the $17.99 (horrific I know) to download all 3 CDs of that music... and then... YES! I burned CDs of them. If you want to know... the music is: Guitarras y Sentimientos really lovely guitar music..... my Christmas present to myself. I love many different kind of music and may even drag out some Earl Stanley tonight in your honor... but if you want to listen to some good stuff... check out the above on ITunes. (Even, if like me, it takes a couple of hours to figure out how to get the darned thing loaded). Merry Christmas, Dizzy and Dusty... you mean so much to me.

    1. I will do that. Always interested in new music and guitar is my instrument. I have two nice guitars, now if only could play them better. I am self taught, so you can guess how well I play (grin).

  3. When travelling my lovely wife and I often stop at Cracker Barrels. They've got plenty of RV parking so that's a draw. I've picked up a lot of audio books there. They keep me awake on long trips.

    Merry Christmas Dizzy!

    1. They do sell a lot more than food, that is for sure. My son and I stopped there in the RV one time and there was plenty of parking space, but it wouldn't have fit in there today!! But the Jeep did.

  4. I recognized Bill Monroe as soon as I looked on my blog list to see whose post I haven't read yet! I've watched Ralph Stanley on You Tube for a couple of hours last night.

    1. Gypsy, I listen to Bluegrass Junction on Sirius Radio. In fact, it is beside my bed and I usually leave it on all night. Have you heard the bluegrass song, "Beautiful Star of Bethlehem Shine On" That one is hard to get out of your head. Rhonda Vincent does a great job on that song as do quite a few others.
