Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Got Blindsided by the Flu.

Sorry I have been missing in action for the last few days but I got blindsided the flu.  It was more like "hit head on and run over" than it was blindsided.  I am starting to improve, although there for a couple of days, I was beginning to wonder.  On a scale of 1 to 100, where 100 is perfectly good health, I was down to about 15 and now have climbed up to about 50.  I am still weak and have joint pains, but my fever has dropped considerably.  I think I am on the mends.  Thanks for wondering about me.  Now my wife has it, too.

I think Santa brought it to us.  You know, visiting so many homes, especially on one night and the ones with kids, he would have to have come into contact with the flu.  So, if you ask me what Santa brought me, I guess I would have to say the flu.

I did take picture on Christmas and I did promise to post them, but maybe tomorrow I will fill more up to doing that.  Now, you all stay well and have a great day, you hear?


  1. You don't know how concerned I've been about y'all! I keep checking and finally you are back. Hope you are feeling up to snuff soon... it's a real bummer to have the feel bads. Hang in there, my friend.

    1. This one hit me hard at first but I am already feeling much, much better. Sorry to worry you.

  2. Glad to hear you're on the mend!

    1. May take awhile but am on my way. It is a longer trip back to health than it was getting sick.

  3. Sorry you have been down with the bug, but sounds like you're making a comeback. Hope you and the wife get much better soon!

    1. Didn't want to make you feel sorry. I was just explaining why I had not posted. Let me tell you, when a person is sick and has a high temperature, his mind doesn't work too well.

  4. Take good care of yourself and get back to good health. Flu isn't something for us mature folks to fool around with.

    1. I did go to the doctor and there wasn't anything to take for the flue that I have. They have shots for type A and B, so I guess I lucked out with type C. (grin)

  5. I recalled you got it real bad last year as well. Glad to hear you are doing much better. Hope your son is feeling better too.

    1. My son went to work yesterday. Younger people get over things faster than older people like me do. And I guess my messed up white blood cells don't help either.

  6. Can you take the flu back and exchange it for a mild cold? Flu is hard on us old folk, feels like the bad side of terrible. Take care, and get well sooner.

    1. I feel like I had gotten into the ring with a pro boxer and his partner, a pro wrestler. In other words, I didn't stand a chance.

  7. I don't think it was Santa that brought you the flu. I would place my bet on the grandchildren. Children are walking petri dishes even when they are not sick.

    1. And their Mom drives a school bus, so I imagine they all get exposed to what ever is going around at the time.

  8. I take the shots, but this year they say 50% protection. Hope im in that, think it would kill me. So glad youre getting better!
