Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Wondering About a Road Block.

This morning, I noticed that there was a road block in my drive way.  It was a spider and he had built his web across my driveway.  He was sitting in the middle of it keeping guard but when I went up to get a close up picture of it, he headed away toward the edge of his web.  In fact, he ran out on one of the support threads that held it up.  I was hoping to get a picture of it in the middle of its web, but he didn't cooperate but I snapped this picture of him, any:
I am going to stop writing for awhile and go back out and check to see if it is in the center of the web, yet.  The sun is still not hitting it, but maybe I can get good picture of the web.
Well now, that was disappointing!  The web is gone, the spider is gone, and only a single strand is left spanning the driveway.  The wind must have been too much for him.  Now I feel sorry that it is gone.  You know, the best laid plans of mice and men and spiders. .
On a sad note.  Go to kareninthewoods and read her blog posting.  My wife and I have tears in our eyes because we know exactly what she and her husband are going through.
I hope you all are having a great day, you hear?


  1. I had what i called a ladder spider on the side of my house, fed it almost every day, watched it build 5 thingamajigs for it's eggs. When it got to a certain point it just died. I was so sad, it was laying on the ground barely still alive, with fire ants all over it. Didn't know that's how they did things. Well, i waited thru the winter for them, and i guess the guy that mows for me pulled them off. I lost them, and there's never been any more. They were big, long legs, yellow and black, and there's what looks like a ladder thru the middle of their web.

    1. Oh yes, I know exactly the spider you are talking about. They do make great webs.

  2. I think you got a pretty good picture of the spider. I like spiders because they eat other insects, but if they get in my way I get them on a piece of paper and carry it outside. I'd never want to kill one.

    I met Duke and Dutchess several years ago when I still had Lady. They were beautiful and sweet dogs and I cried a little when I read Karen's post.

    1. I also believe in live and let live, except for food. That was great that you got to meet them.

    2. I hate spiders and if they're in the cabin and I can get to them in time they are goners. No relocation program here! That is a good picture.

    3. My wife got bit by what the doc thought was a brown recluse. She had problems from that bite for a long, long time.
