Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wondering About My Favorite Generation.

 I have said before that I was born too late.  Growing up I listened intently to my parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunts tell about the great times they all had going camping.  During the years they had several camps and they would go to them often, usually with a big group of relatives and friends.  I scanned a few of the old pictures and am going to post them here.  Remember, you can click on a picture to enlarge it.

I only recognize a few people in this first picture.  The couple on the right in front of the car is my Grandma and Grandpa on my Mom's side of the family.  The fellow standing beside my Grandpa looks like it could be my Uncle Bub and the on the other side of the picture, the guy with his hands behind his head, is my Uncle Bill.

They went camping every chance they could get.  It must be in our blood because I love to camp and always have.

Here is another picture of another camping trip.  I think I know everyone in this picture.  Starting with the one on the left with the big duffle bag on his shoulder, I will name them from left to right.  The one on the left is my uncle Marion (Hank), uncle Robert (Bob), and I believe the one in the center is Tiny Russel, then my Dad (way before I was born), and  uncle Milton (Bub). 

You know, they all, except for Marion, enjoyed camping and hunting all their lives.

Many years after the above pictures, the four brothers got back together at my Uncle Bill's farm in western Pennsylvania for a reunion.  Actually, it was more like an old family get-to-gether with a lot of reminiscing going on.  I believe that was the last time all four of them got together.  Just in case you can't recognize them from the picture above, from left to right they are, Uncle Bill, Uncle Bub, Uncle Marion, and Uncle Bob.

Well now you have met my uncles.  I always enjoyed visiting with them and listening to them talk about the good old days.  Now, let us all enjoy today because someday, these will be considered the "good old days", you hear?


  1. This is a very interesting post, DD. I'm hoping my grandchildren will treasure the memories of our family camping get-togethers, their aunts and uncles, and their Grandma. My mom was raised on a farm, and she didn't want a thing to do with camping once she got away from the farm. I'm no doubt the avid camper in my family and my kids have benefitted from it. My ex loved camping too, but didn't live long enough to enjoy it with his grandchildren.

    1. I had a wonderful childhood with lots of wonderful relatives. I consider myself one of the lucky few who did. I would gladly go back to those days in a heart beat.

  2. Now you've got a camp you can take with you.

    I'm missing my departed uncles now. Good times back in the day.

  3. Wow, what great pictures! And the first 2 pictures were before the Depression and WWII. How did they manage to have such a fun time without all the modern stuff we have today? Enjoyed the trip back, thanks!

    1. I do know for a fact that they did have a lot of fun, good, clean fun.

  4. My family was like yours, lots of playing together and fun. Dad had 3 brothers, and 4 sisters, so the get-togethers i will always remember as some of the best times of my life.

    1. Yes they are and they should be. Never forget those great times!!

  5. Hermit & I grew up with lots of family, on both sides . Daddy's people would have a 4 day camp out, in Lampassas by the time I remember it, for a once a year reunion. Boy, the food those women could bring out from a wood burning cookstove was incredible! About 75-100 showed up for that one.
    Then Mama's side - well, we saw them all year 'round. I still know my 4th, 5th cousins, and love to hear the stories told by Mama's first cousins, especially Cowboy & Sug. Those guys can keep me laughing for hours - good times.... My kids aren't close to even their 1st cousins... sad.

    1. Since I was an "only child", cousins were very important to me, but then, my son does not have any cousins. I have to say again and again that I was the luckiest kid (and now an adult) in the world for having so many wonderful cousins.

  6. I really enjoyed the old pictures! (and stories)

    Max from Illinois.

    1. Thank you and I enjoyed remembering back while showing them.
