Monday, November 3, 2014

Wandering To Tractor Hospital.

My little baby John Deere tractor is not feeling too well.  The first thing is a sore throat carburetor.  It's motor races and slows, races and slows, over and over again.  The only time it doesn't oscillate is when it is under a very heavy load.  I was told that it may need a tonsillectomy the carburetor rebuilt, or so it seems.  It also broke one of the two mower belts.

So we loaded the baby up on the big boy's trailer.  (Remember my blog about the big John Deere that my son bought?)  Here are a couple of pictures that I took this morning of the poor baby getting ready to go.  Doesn't it look small and lonely on the big boy's trailer:

And a picture from another angle:

It may have a long wait after we get it there.  I called this morning and the gal said I can bring it in and they will put it in line.  It seems they have a lot of tractors to work on.  Well, at least it will not be lonely in there, it will be surrounded by a lot of other sick or broken tractors; something like the waiting room at the doctor's office. (shudder to think about that)

Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Do you have an address to send a get-well card? Flowers? Here's wishing that little guy a speedy recovery.

  2. It sure does look tiny on that trailer -but cute too. Good luck getting it fixed up.

    1. Since my son got that big John Deere, I will let him do all the heavy work around here. We were just wondering this morning how much wheel weights he will need. What do you think, three or four hundred pounds per wheel? I have no idea. He doesn't want to fill them with water because if they got punctured, he couldn't handle the weight by himself to take it off and fix it.

  3. I don't know what your heavy work might be but I would give it a try before buying any weights. Maybe just a wider tire would add enough traction? I don't know that much about tractors but those were my initial thoughts.

    1. I believe I hear him out there right now plowing up ground that has never seen a plow before. I will have to take a walk back that way and see what he has been doing.

  4. Missed this yesterday. I hope mine just needs one more mowing,, til Jan. or Fed... lol

  5. Hey, can I get a mention for the use of my General Lee car chase painting here?
    Thank you
    Ian Guy
