Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wondering About a Weird Looking Hummingbird.

This morning, just as I was trying to think of something great to blog about (and came up with nothing), my wife said I should take a look at what was on the hummingbird feeder.  I went over to the window expecting to see some weird looking hummingbird.  You know, something like this:
But instead I saw this: 
 It was a Green Anole, which we have an abundance of them all around the outside of the house.
 They have the ability to change from bright green to brown and most shades in between.  If a bird or other predator grabs its long tail, the tail breaks off and the Anole scampers away, only to grow a new tail just as fast as it can.  This last picture is, I think, the best of the three that I took, at least it shows most of its long tail:

I guess I will keep this posting short because I don't have a long tail tale to tell this morning.  Now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. There are those little lizards all over my apartment complex and also geckos but they are more shy and I've only seen them at night around the lights catching bugs.

    I'm growing a turk's cap plant on my porch that has been blooming all summer and there is a little hummingbird that visits. It's so cool to seeing flitting from flower to flower!

    1. Those little hummingbirds are really something. Do you know that they fly across the Gulf from Florida to Mexico or South America? We had a lot stop here on their trip and we are hoping some will stick around for awhile.

  2. Replies
    1. I got more like him than I do hummingbirds. What makes me mad is they sit on that feeder along with some big black ants. I thought an anole ate bugs like that? He ain't doing his job!!

  3. That's no hummingbird, that's a lizard with a hang glider! :)

    1. They can jump quite far. . . maybe they do have a hang glider. They are also quite the acrobats, so they could just climb out on the support and then down to the feeder. Now tell me, why will they not eat those dang ants!! I didn't know those lizards had a sweet tooth.

  4. I don't know much about these guys... are they like a chameleon? Too bad he didn't turn bright red to blend in with the feeder :-)

    1. They are not a chameleon but they can and do change their color from green to brown. They are not found in Ohio, but all around the Gulf Coast. Here is a link about them and where they are found:

  5. He's a cute little thing! That reminds me that I need to clean my hummingbird feeder now that I'm back home. We have some hummers that winter here in Sacramento, and I don't want them going to someone else's porch!

    1. Almost all of ours has moved on. Only had a few visits this morning. Maybe we will get another wave of them coming through our area and hopefully will stop for some refreshments. No, that makes me wonder how they find the feeders in the first place?
