Thursday, October 2, 2014

Wondering If We Are Alone.

Life is so abundant here on Earth that it actually gets quite crowded in many areas.  I am not just talking about people but all life, from the microbes on up the ladder.  So, how did life begin.  The scientific world has a hard time answering that and the attempts to produce life in the lab has been futile up until recently and what they did come up with can't really be called living.  They did create synthetic DNA which are the building blocks of all life.  So, we must assume that creating a new form of life is very, very, very difficult.  So why am I telling you about that?  Just to let you understand just how lucky we are to be here on Earth and alive!  And of course to explain why life anywhere else in the universe may be very hard to find or may not exist at all.

Our planet has been in orbit around the sun for about 4.6 billion years, give or take a couple of minutes (grin).  It took a billion years for the first signs of life to appear, simple cells called prokaryotes.  It took 2.6 billion years more for life to appear that was multicellular.  That, my friends, is a long, long time.  Then, 400 million years later, the first simple animals appeared.  Anatomically modern man has only been around for less than 200,000 years.

So what does that have to do with wondering if we are alone?  I just wanted to explain just how hard and complicated evolution is and that it can take many twists and turns along the way.  So now, the scientist claim that there are 715 planets outside our solar system and that four of them are in its star's habitable zone.  Therefore, there is a possibility that they may harbor life, but that life may be quite different than any we have known.

Another thing that makes me think that we are not alone is that the latest all sky survey had some unusual anomalies.  Some scientists believe they were caused by the presence of other universes.  Why should our universe be the only one?  Remember my post on entangled pairs, maybe there could be such a thing as entangled universes???  Why is there just so many more questions than there are answers?  One thing I know for sure, I want you all to have a great day, you hear?


  1. The Universe is mind boggling to say the least !

  2. Thanks for bring this one up, so much unknown.
    I believe we don't know enough yet to ask the right questions yet!

    1. It is not our duty as the human race to just ask questions but to also to try and answer them.

  3. This all is WAY more complex and complicated than I can grasp... I still find it amazing that 2 beings (human or otherwise) can create a 3rd being... and that's just here on this planet....

    1. No, we can't understand everything, that is why we have believe in a Creator.

  4. I'll bet that "they" are out there somewhere! Like a good neighbor they are just keeping their distance and holding down the noise.

    1. Yep, just like the advertisement "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there". I believe somewhere there is intelligent life and some will be way behind us and some way ahead of anything we could dream about.

  5. Then there's the theory that our planet was actually seeded by microbes from space. Wouldn't that be interesting?

    1. I do not discount any theory, but a theory is just a guess until it can be proven. With such enormous distances, it is very unlikely we will ever have a conversation. For all the years that radio has been in use on Earth, it still hasn't reached any possible inhabited planet. Of course, there are all types and forms of life, some beyond our imaginations.

    2. Maybe radio signals are ancient technologies to other civilizations.

    3. Radio signals go the speed of light, which seems to be the speed limit of the universe. Unless they are entangled pairs, which I talked about in another posting.

  6. I truly believe in multiple universes, and that there are no doubt countless other planets that harbor life in some form. Just because we haven't found them yet doesn't mean that they haven't found us. While our government refuses to confirm this (and other governments are more forthcoming about it), I think a huge number of people believe in UFO's because they've seen them.

    1. I have seen flying things that I couldn't identify, so I guess they would be considered UFOs. One in particular could well have been.

  7. That's the $64,000 question! Remember when that was the standard answer for questions with unknown answers? Came from tv show in the 1950's ,if I remember correctly. If my Dad saw a weed or plant growing out of a crack in the sidewalk, he always commented on how he was always amazed at the power of Life. For that reason, I believe they will find Life everywhere out there, or maybe it will find us.

    1. I remember that TV show. Come on now, you ain't that much younger than me!!

  8. I have to agree with Gypsy. as I too believe there must be multiple universes. I also believe the government is hiding from us that other forms of life have visited UFO's.

    1. Yes, I agree with both of you. BTW, if you elect me president, I will release all the UFO files. . . (grin)

  9. Can't remember the name of the TV show that had the aliens trying to live among us, and fit in, but was one of the funniest ones ever.

    1. How about Mork and Mindy? And Third Rock from the Sun? They were both funny.
