Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wondering About an Ugly Dog.

Everyone loves dogs, from beautiful, adorable dogs to big mean looking dogs.  They all look different, are different colors, and are different sizes.  But the one thing they have in common is that they are pretty or handsome.  My son has a Doberman and a Pit Bull.  They are impressive dogs and the big Doberman, in my opinion, is the best looking, especially when I scratch his head and he looks up at me with those big brown eyes.

There are a lot of small, cute dogs that make their home with families all over the world.  Here are some examples of long haired beauties:

Now admit it, did you go "awww, they are soooo cute."?  But maybe white is your favorite color for a pooch:

Most people can't help but love dogs in all varieties:

But, have you heard of the Ugly Dog Contest?  Yes, they actually hold an contest whose winner is the ugliest dog in the world.  Here is a picture of a recent winner:

Yuk!!  It sure would get my vote.  If I were a producer of horror movies, I sure would star this dog in one of them.  But, yes I know, somebody loves him or her.  I am going to leave you with a picture that I posted a short time ago of two of my pups:

Now, just remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder (even if it takes more imagination for some than for others) and if you have a pup, give him or her a pat on the head from me and you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I agree that all dogs are cute. There is something about a dobie, though - so regal looking and just so intelligent. My son had a great doberman and I swear I could see the wheels turning in her head when she was thinking. Of course black labs are my all time favorite beautiful dog.

    1. I have never seen an ugly looking dog, although I have seen some ugly acting dogs. Ugly is as ugly does or what ever the saying is.

  2. ok ok,, lol, i'm a cat person. Went to a new person when i was working home health care, she met me at the door, said,, i have a question to ask,,well, ok.. are you a dog or cat person?? lololol,, when i said "cat" she opened the door, said come on in...

    1. Cats own you, you own dogs. I had three cats at one time. The male always watched over the two females

  3. I, too, am a cat person. Little yappers are really down there on my "like" list... no matter how cute they are. But I generally attribute a dogs behavior to the owner, not the critter.

    1. My pups are part of my family. They love to travel, especially the oldest two. Wonder who they got that from? If we start carrying things out to the RV, they get really excited.

  4. I am a cat person. While a lot of dogs are cute their cuteness goes away as soon as they start barking, especially if that barking is directed at me.

    1. Cats are cute too, until they start hissing at you. I have been hurt worse from by cats than by dogs. Cats bite and scratch.

  5. I am a chicken person. I am allergic to cats and don't want either in the house. No, my chickens don't live in the house...lol. I am also afraid of dogs and for good reason. Some cats scare me, too. I do want a Border Collie. I love the breed and my young one was killed. Now that I have chickens, I want a dog to scare the raccoons and keep the wayward chickens in the yard!

    1. A Border Collie is a great choice. They are one of the smartest dogs and in comes naturally to them to herd things, even chickens. I know a lady that has had them for years and she highly recommends them.
