Monday, September 29, 2014

Porch Visitors Are Back.

Back on Sunday, September 21, I blogged about a porch visitor.  Remember that blog?

I showed a picture of a mushroom in full bloom in one of my wife's flower pots and then I showed it as it was fading away.  Well they came back, only this time there were more than one.  I took a picture late afternoon yesterday and again this morning to show how fast they mature.  Here is yesterday's picture:
 The last time there was only one that came up, so I suppose that the next time, if there is a next time, there will be sixteen.  Logically if one was multiplied by four than the four would be multiplied by four and produce sixteen.  Of course botany may not follow strict arithmetic rules.

Here is the the picture I just took a few minutes ago.

If any wants to know, in tomorrow's blog posting, I could tell you how many actually did show up.  Don't forget, you can click on the pictures to enlarge them.

I better try to come up with another subject cause writing about mushrooms all the time makes a fellow get moldy. . (grin).  You do know that the mushrooms we see are just the fruiting bodies of the mycelium that are the thread like growths that spread out under ground, don't you?  I am not completely sure but these may be pleated inkcap mushrooms.  Can anyone tell me for sure?  Now you all keep moving so that mushrooms can't grow on you, you hear?


  1. At least you are not going to seed -to spore maybe, but not seed.

    1. Glad you say I am not going to seed. When something goes to seed, it dies and rots and then the fungus takes over a finally you go to spore. As you stated, I am going to spore so had to go to seed a long time ago (grin).

  2. Ah come'on Dizzy... we all know you're such a fun-gi.... keep those posts coming.

    1. I hope you are a bad speller and you meant "fun guy", instead an old codger with toad stools growing on him (grin).

  3. Mushrooms are pretty to look at but I only eat a couple of varieties.

    1. I used to eat and enjoy edible mushrooms until I found out that all of them contain mycotoxins and even in small amounts that can cause a lot of damage in some people.

  4. True to a Pennsylvanian's heritage, even if you are growing the 'shrooms in your wife's flower pots instead of the bat cave in your motorhome.

    1. Yes, and in Pennsylvania the morel mushroom grows wild and it is on the top of the great tasting mushroom list.
