Sunday, September 28, 2014

Wondering About Stupid.

There are a lot of stupid things in this world, and sadly, there are a lot stupid people, too.  I have done a lot of stupid things in my life and I sure you all have.  That doesn't mean that we are stupid, well not all the time, that is.  But let's get back to those stupid people I mentioned above.  You would think that people who paint signs, especially near a school, should know how to spell, right?  Guess again:

 The rest of this blog is mostly pictures.  They are mostly self explanatory, unless you are like one of the people pictured in them. . . just kidding.  I know you all are smarter than all these put together.

The guy on the right has a dangerous ear plug, don't you think?

A guy has to have his electric grill close by at all times:

If you are going to make a perfect cut, you have to have a good, steady table for your saw.  OK, what happens if he keeps on cutting on up that board?

Sometimes just one fork lift truck is not enough:

Now tell the truth, would you touch that button?  I don't know if I would or not but I do know I would sure be tempted:
So, that is just a small example of stupid people.  Now, for any stupid people who may have been reading this blog posting, you must stop here and promise you will never go beyond this point in my blog and leave stupid comments.
Actually, I don't mind stupid comments, in fact, I like them.  You know, any comment is better than no comments and I sure do appreciate any and all comments I get.  Now, you all hare a great (and safe) day, you hear?


  1. When I saw the title of your post, I ran over here so you wouldn't have to keep wondering about me. Now, what was the post about, and how did you get photos of Joe?

    1. I'm a sneaky guy. My camera sees all. . . (grin) Now, you didn't need to hurry, because I know you are not stupid. But I do know a few who answer to the name "stupid".

  2. Back in my days as a safety director, I used similar posters to inspire safer conduct:) The truth is that there are really a lot of stupid people in the world and I have the accident reports to prove it:(

    1. They say stupid isn't catching but I have my doubts about that. "Stupid is as stupid does".

  3. When our youngest grandson was about 5 or so, we still lived on the farm... we had an electric fence to keep our goats in. Jared kept wanting to touch the fence... we kept telling him it would hurt. Finally, Bill (yeah, my own Wild Bill) said... go ahead... you'll see. I think that Bill's tone of voice made Jared think twice. However... then he wanted to pet the geese... those rascals are anything but friendly and would flog the heck out of a person with their wings. Okay, Jared... it's your call. This kid wasn't stupid but he sure did try our patience... seemed once he got your "permission" he'd back right down. Guess testing grandpa wasn't fun anymore. I'm not stupid either, but show me a "wet paint" sign and I'll probably dab a finger to see if it's dry yet ;-)

    1. I have had a couple of "not fun" experiences with electric fences. When I was a kid I was playing in the sand just outside the electric fence to the pasture on my uncles farm. I was on my knees and backed up too far and the hot wire hit me at the base of the back of my. That lit up my life. The other was when I had my hand on the nose of a horse and the water bucket in my other hand. The water bucket hit the fence, I dropped the full bucket on my foot and the horse kicked me on the other leg. I sure felt stupid both times.

    2. Now that there is FUNNY, I don't care who you are!

    3. But a friend of mine made the mistake of urinating on an old wire that turned out to be an electric fence.

  4. DH uses the word stupid a lot, espcially when watching the prez or sports. But, this weekend the 4 year-old grandson started saying it while helping Papa watch football. What a life lesson - Papa will be more careful now. But, I guess "stupid" is better than the other words Papa cleaned out of his vocabulary since grandson came along.
    And of course, everyone knows "You can't fix Stupid!"

    1. It not just that you can not fix stupid it is that stupid people don't know they are.

    2. I agree with Ed. How can you help people who don't think they need help?

  5. Ed, i know when i've done something stupid... lol. But i would never call anyone stupid. Actions, maybe.

    1. I have done a lot of stupid things and some of them I am still laughing about.

  6. I tell people things my ex did. The comment always is, "Was he that stupid?" Yes, he was.

    It embarrasses me when I do something stupid even when I am alone. I try not to do stupid things, at least not twice. I am a quick study. lol
