Saturday, September 27, 2014

Wondering About Wild Bill.

Everyone has heard about Wild Bill Hickok.  He was a larger than life character that actually lived a life equal to or greater than the stories about him.  For example, on this date (September 27th) back in the year 1869 in Ellis County, Kansas, Hickok and his deputy responded to report that a local ruffian named Samuel Strawhun (whom Hickok shot in the head) and a couple of his drunken buddies were tearing up John Bitter's Beer Saloon in Hays City.  The citizens of the area tired of hard drinking soldiers and buffalo hunters who took over their town at nights and hoped that the famous "Wild Bill" could solve their problem.

He did just that, but he did his job way too well by killing two men in the name of preserving peace the first few weeks of his term.  He was elected interim sheriff only until the regular elections, which would be held later that year.  When the regular elections came along, he lost the election 144 to 89.  He was only Sheriff for three months.  I think he was sheriff on TV for longer than that (grin).  Now, try not to get in any gunfights, especially with someone called "Wild Bill" and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I don't think many kids are named William and nicknamed "Bill" these days, but guys like my own Bill are often called "Wild Bill" by guys they work with etc... Guess the real Wild Bill left quite a legacy.

    1. My Uncle went by Bill, although his given name was William. And my other uncle whose given name was Milton, went by Bub. And another uncle named Marion went by Hank. BTW, all were great guys!! My uncle Bill had a farm which I spent a lot of time at when I was a kid.

  2. I had no idea his career as a sheriff was so short.

    1. I didn't either. I guess the town's people didn't like the way he enforced the law. It was quick and permanent. The bad guy never troubled anyone again. . .

  3. I guess I am the only one that has never hear of Wild Bill? Known a lot of Bills in my life...most recently Billy Bob of Billy Bob's Travels :D

    1. You mean you never watched all those old cowboy shows on TV? OH, I forgot, you are a lot younger than I am. Do you get the Western Channel? Sometimes it runs some of those old black and white TV shows. The movie starred Jeff Bridges as Wild Bill.

    2. You never heard of Wild Bill Hickok? How the term "dead mans hand"?

  4. I was in Deadwood & saw the saloon where he was murdered, it was a tiny place.

    1. "Aces and eights", the "dead man's hand", has won a pot or two for me, but when I get it, I always look over my shoulder. . . Dang, I haven't been in a good poker game for ages. Guess I will have to rectify that.
